daeyun / vim-matlab

Neovim plugin for MATLAB
Mozilla Public License 2.0
104 stars 19 forks source link


An alternative to Matlab's default editor for Vim users.


How do I run code cells (%% blocks)?

In Normal mode, press <Enter> or <C-m>. The editor will parse the code in the current cell and send to MATLAB for evaluation.

What if I need MATLAB's GUI features?

Most MATLAB windows can be launched through commands; even in -nodisplay mode. For example, workspace command opens the Workspace browser.

screenshot 2016-08-18 20 57 56

If you need to access the debugger, use edit to open the default GUI editor.

Error: E492: Not an editor command

If this the first time you're installing a Python plugin written for Neovim, you should install python-client and run :UpdateRemotePlugins.

The recommended way to install this plugin is to use the plugin manager vim-plug and add this to your .vimrc or init.vim:

function! DoRemote(arg)

Plug 'daeyun/vim-matlab', { 'do': function('DoRemote') }


vim-matlab works by remotely controlling a CLI Matlab instance (launched by vim-matlab-server.py).



This will start a Matlab REPL and redirect commands received from Vim to Matlab. When Matlab crashes (e.g. segfault during MEX development), it will launch another process.

Then open Vim in another terminal and start editing .m files.

Alternatively, launch a server instance from Vim using :MatlabLaunchServer. The server will be launched either in a Neovim terminal buffer or a tmux split (see g:matlab_server_launcher).

See this file for a list of available commands, and vim-matlab.vim for default key bindings.



  1. Install the python3 client for Neovim:
pip3 install neovim
  1. Add to .vimrc (or ~/.config/nvim/init.vim). e.g. using vim-plug:
Plug 'daeyun/vim-matlab'
  1. Register the plugin inside Neovim:

Optional steps (recommended)

  1. Install a snippet engine such as SirVer/ultisnips or vim-snipmate to use the included snippets. We also recommend installing vim-snippets. We welcome any contributions to extend the matlab.snippets file.

  2. Install pexpect for improved interactivity with the MATLAB console (e.g. tab completion):

pip3 install pexpect


Use g:matlab_auto_mappings to control whether the plugin automatically generates key mappings (default = 1).

let g:matlab_auto_mappings = 0 "automatic mappings disabled
let g:matlab_auto_mappings = 1 "automatic mappings enabled

Use g:matlab_server_launcher to control whether :MatlabLaunchServer uses a Vim or tmux split (default = 'vim').

let g:matlab_server_launcher = 'vim'  "launch the server in a Neovim terminal buffer
let g:matlab_server_launcher = 'tmux' "launch the server in a tmux split

Use g:matlab_server_split to control whether :MatlabLaunchServer uses a vertical or horizontal split (default = 'vertical').

let g:matlab_server_split = 'vertical'   "launch the server in a vertical split
let g:matlab_server_split = 'horizontal' "launch the server in a horizontal split


Set up a symlink so that the plugin directory points to your repository.

git clone git@github.com:daeyun/vim-matlab.git
rm -r ~/.vim/plugged/vim-matlab
ln -nsf $(pwd)/vim-matlab ~/.vim/plugged/

After changing the code, run scripts/reload-vim.sh (optionally pass in a file to open) to reload.

For testing, install pytest and run scripts/run-tests.sh.

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