dafenner / CrowdQCplus

Quality control (QC) for citizen weather station data.
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 2 forks source link
r-language r-package r-programming


This R package performs a quality control (QC) and filters suspicious data from citizen weather stations (CWS). It is based on the package 'CrowdQC' but offers several additions, improvements, and bug fixes. Both packages were originally designed for and tested with air-temperature data but should also work with other near-normally distributed data. It is not designed for precipitation data.

CrowdQC+ is a statistically-based QC that identifies individual possibly faulty observations by comparing them to a large crowd of other observations. It does not need reference meteorological observations. The main idea of CrowdQC+ is that there is trustworthy information in the crowd, which can be used to check and remove individual values during the QC. Yet, there is no guarantee that all faulty observations are filtered by the QC.

A detailed description of the functionalities and an evaluation of the performance of the QC can be found in this open-access journal article: CrowdQC+ – A quality-control for crowdsourced air-temperature observations enabling world-wide urban climate applications. Frontiers in Environmental Science.
It is recommended that you read the article before you start working with CrowdQC+ to understand its capabilities and limitations.


CrowdQC+ requires an R version >= 3.5.0 to work.

It also requires the following packages:

Make sure to have these installed (and 'data.table' needs to be loaded) before running CrowdQC+.

Update for version v1.1

CrowdQC+ now uses the terra package for the geospatial components instead of the older packages raster and sp, which are based on (soon-to-be) retired rgdal.

Further, CrowdQC+ now contains a data example to test the code with.

Installation of the package

Option 1:

Directly pull the code from this repository into your programming environment, using the devtools package:


Option 2:

Download the zip-file from this repository, save it locally, and install it in your programming environment using the devtools package:


Option 3:

Download the latest release of CrowdQC+ as a .tar.gz file (list of releases), save it locally, and install it in your programming environment:

install.packages(<PATH_TO_THE_tar.gz_FILE>, repos = NULL, type ="source")

Once installed, load CrowdQC+ (and data.table) via


Using CrowdQC+


Data should be represented as a data.table with the following required columns:

p_id: Unique ID of each station. Data format: Integer or character
time: Time. Keep in mind time zones! Data format: POSIX.ct
ta: Air-temperature values (or other near-normally distributed variable). Data format: Numeric/double
lon: Longitude of the station (WGS 84). Data format: Numeric/double
lat: Latitude of the station (WGS 84). Data format: Numeric/double

Optionally, the user can provide elevation information per station (column z), as to perform a height correction in some of the QC levels. Any other column can be present, but is quietly ignored by CrowdQC+.

Please have a look at the example data to see how the data should look like:

This is how an input data table with hourly data of a month should be organised (values completely nonsense and made up): p_id time ta lon lat z
1 2021-01-01 00:00 7.5 12.6789 40.5432 45
1 2021-01-01 01:00 7.3 12.6789 40.5432 45
1 2021-01-01 02:00 7.0 12.6789 40.5432 45
1 ... ... 12.6789 40.5432 45
1 2021-01-31 23:00 16.4 12.6789 40.5432 45
2 2021-01-01 00:00 8.1 12.6543 40.5678 48
2 2021-01-01 01:00 7.9 12.6543 40.5678 48
2 2021-01-01 02:00 7.5 12.6543 40.5678 48
2 ... ... 12.6543 40.5678 48
2 2021-01-31 23:00 15.3 12.6543 40.5678 48
... ... ... ... ... ...
1896 2021-01-01 00:00 6.9 12.1234 40.5666 39
1896 2021-01-01 01:00 6.8 12.1234 40.5666 39
1896 2021-01-01 02:00 6.4 12.1234 40.5666 39
1896 ... ... 12.1234 40.5666 39
1896 2021-01-31 23:00 17.0 12.1234 40.5666 39


The QC consists of five main QC levels (m1-m5) and four optional levels (o1-o4). Each QC level can be called individually or the complete QC can be applied (cqcp_qcCWS()).
Beside the actual QC functions, several helper functions are available to, e.g., add elevation information to each station (cqcp_add_dem_height()), check the data.table for compliance with CrowdQC+ (cqcp_check_input()), preparation of input data (cqcp_padding()) and output simple statistics an data availability after application of the QC (cqcp_output_statistics()).

A detailed description of each QC level can be found in the R help and in the corresponding journal article (see details below).

Example workflow

A basic example workflow with CrowdQC+ could look like this (after installation of the package, see above):

# Load libraries

# load the package's example data

# Data & input check
# the data likely needs padding (filling data gaps per station)
data <- cqcp_padding(cqcp_cws_data)
ok <- cqcp_check_input(data)

# Perform complete QC
if (ok) {
   data_qc <- cqcp_qcCWS(data) # QC
   n_data_qc <- cqcp_output_statistics(data_qc) # output statistics

How to contribute?

If you are using CrowdQC+ and have ideas how to make it better, improve its performance, resolve errors, please create issues.

How to obtain CWS data?

To crowdsource CWS data different data providers with application programming interfaces (API) exist, each with advantages and disadvantages, e.g.:


Please reference the following open-access journal article when using CrowdQC+:

Fenner, D., Bechtel, B., Demuzere, M., Kittner, J. and Meier, F. (2021): CrowdQC+ – A quality-control for crowdsourced air-temperature observations enabling world-wide urban climate applications. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9: 720747. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2021.720747.


CrowdQC+ is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.