daft-develop / mob-attack-tool

A module for Foundry VTT that offers a tool for handling mob attacks in the dnd5e system.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Mob Attack Tool

This is a Foundry VTT module that streamlines mob attacks in the dnd5e system. It focuses on helping the GM and players quickly resolve multiple attack and damage rolls from groups of monsters (mobs), summons, and/or creatures with the multiattack action. This module supports use of the Dice so Nice!, Midi-QOL, and Automated Animations modules.

This module was originally created by Stenderpaval and is currently being maintained by Dafto.

Use Cases

How to install

You can install this module by searching Foundry's package browser or by pasting this url in the corresponding text field of Foundry's package installer: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/daft-develop/mob-attack-tool/main/module.json. The module has no required dependencies and is only available for the D&D 5e system.

How to use

After activating this module, a new button appears in the token controls bar.

dice icon

By default this button is only visible to users with the GM role, but this can be changed in settings. To begin using Mob Attack Tool, make sure you have at least one token selected and at least one token targeted before you click the button.

A dialog window will appear, populated with the weapon options of the selected tokens and a checkbox. Tick the checkbox of the weapon(s) you want to use for the mob attack. Mob Attack Tool can also automatically select weapons that are part of a multiattack ability, or just the weapon option that deals most damage. Once the dialog is open, changing your selection or targets will update the dialog automatically.

Clicking on the Mob Attack button in the dialog window will then whisper a message to the GM (by default) with the mob attack results, showing hits, misses, critical hits, and critical misses with attack modifiers included. Furthermore, the weapon item is rolled the number of times that an attack would hit and a damage total is calculated.

If the MidiQOL module is installed, enabled, and activated within Mob Attack Tool settings, the damage roll is handed off to MidiQOL, which may then apply the damage to targets for you (or however you've configured MidiQOL)

If the Dice So Nice! module is installed, enabled, and activated within Mob Attack Tool settings, on screen dice will be rolled for both attacks and damage. Optionally, attack dice can be hidden and only damage rolls shown.

If the Automated Animations module is installed, enabled, and activated within Mob Attack Tool settings, attack animations configured by Automated Animations will play for each successful hit.

Instead of rolling for each mob, a lookup table can be used instead which will determine a fixed number of attacks based on the number of creatures and attack bonus vs ac difference. This table can be manually adjusted in the settings menu.


Using with MidiQOL

This module is compatible and plays well with MiqiQOL with the following considerations:

I recommend the following MAT settings when using MidiQOL:

If you aren't automatically applying damage with MidiQOL or using it to roll concentration checks, these recommendations aren't necessary.

Any manual delay during the attack/damage workflow (GM or users manually applying a save and/or reaction) may result in MidiQOL missing an automatic save check, but otherwise should still continue to apply damage correctly.

Note: to allow MiqiQOL time to process damage, the damage rolls are animated (with Dice So Nice) one at a time under this configuration.


Make sure to read through the latest release notes to see what the newest features are.


This is what the Mob Attack dialog looks like (as of v0.2.18) with multiattack autodetect + autoselect enabled. (Also shown are JB2A Animated Assets triggered by a macro that makes use of Midi-QOL's On Use Macro field).

MAT-v0 2 18-on-use-macro-JB2a

Below are some (older) GIFs that give a brief idea of how you can use Mob Attack Tool.

Click to show GIF of Mob Attack Tool ![MAT-video-v0 0 3](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17188192/110196581-c81b2f00-7e45-11eb-908a-f0fd73567e10.gif)
Click to show GIF of Mob Attack Tool + Midi-QOL ![MAT-video-midi-qol-v0 0 3](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17188192/110196624-0fa1bb00-7e46-11eb-9ec1-ade1ef8dff96.gif)

For more elaborate examples and screenshots, please head over to EXAMPLES.md. (Note: the examples are currently quite outdated, but they should still give a general overview. Mob Attack Tool can do much nowadays than what is shown in the examples. Browse the latest release notes to find out what exactly.

Planned improvements

Bugs / Feature Requests

Have an issue or think the module could use a new feature? Create a new Github issue! Pull requests welcome, but please open an issue first to let others and myself know what you're working on.


Mob Attack Tool currently supports these languages:

