dag-andersen / argocd-diff-preview

Tool for rendering manifest changes on pull requests.
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argo-cd gitops kubernetes

Argo CD Diff Preview

Argo CD Diff Preview is a tool that renders the diff between two branches in a Git repository. It is designed to render manifests generated by Argo CD, providing a clear and concise view of the changes between two branches. It operates similarly to Atlantis for Terraform, creating a plan that outlines the proposed changes.

3 Example Pull Requests:

ArgoCon 2024 Talk

argocd-diff-preview will be presented at ArgoCon 2024 in Utah, US. The talk will cover the current tools and methods for visualizing code changes in GitOps workflows and introduce this new approach, which uses ephemeral clusters to render accurate diffs directly on your pull requests.

Why do we need this?

In the Kubernetes world, we often use templating tools like Kustomize and Helm to generate our Kubernetes manifests. These tools make maintaining and streamlining configuration easier across applications and environments. However, they also make it harder to visualize the application's actual configuration in the cluster.

Mentally parsing Helm templates and Kustomize patches is hard without rendering the actual output. Thus, making mistakes while modifying an application's configuration is relatively easy.

In the field of GitOps and infrastructure as code, all configurations are checked into Git and modified through PRs. The code changes in the PR are reviewed by a human, who needs to understand the changes made to the configuration. This is hard when the configuration is generated through templating tools like Kustomize and Helm.


The safest way to make changes to you Helm Charts and Kustomize Overlays in your GitOps repository is to let Argo CD render them for you. This can be done by spinning up an ephemeral cluster in your automated pipelines. Since the diff is rendered by Argo CD itself, it is as accurate as possible.

The implementation is actually quite simple. It just follows the steps below:

10 Steps

  1. Start a local cluster
  2. Install Argo CD
  3. Add the required credentials (git credentials, image pull secrets, etc.)
  4. Fetch all Argo CD applications from your PR branch
    • Point their targetRevision to the Pull Request branch
    • Remove the syncPolicy from the applications (to avoid the applications syncing locally)
  5. Apply the modified applications to the cluster
  6. Let Argo CD do its magic
  7. Extract the rendered manifests from the Argo CD server
  8. Repeat steps 4–7 for the base branch (main branch)
  9. Create a diff between the manifests rendered from each branch
  10. Display the diff in the PR



Try demo locally with 3 simple commands!

First, make sure Docker is running. E.g., run docker ps to see if it's running.

Second, run the following 3 commands:

git clone https://github.com/dag-andersen/argocd-diff-preview base-branch --depth 1 -q 
git clone https://github.com/dag-andersen/argocd-diff-preview target-branch --depth 1 -q -b helm-example-3
docker run \
   --network host \
   -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
   -v $(pwd)/output:/output \
   -v $(pwd)/base-branch:/base-branch \
   -v $(pwd)/target-branch:/target-branch \
   -e TARGET_BRANCH=helm-example-3 \
   -e REPO=dag-andersen/argocd-diff-preview \

and the output would be something like this:

🚀 Creating cluster...
🦑 Installing Argo CD...
🌚 Getting resources for base-branch
🌚 Getting resources for target-branch
🔮 Generating diff between main and helm-example-3
🙏 Please check the ./output/diff.md file for differences

Finally, you can view the diff by running cat ./output/diff.md. The diff should look something like this

Installation and Usage

Run as container


docker run \
   --network host \                                   # This is required so the container can access the local cluster on the host's docker daemon.
   -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \     # This is required to access the host's docker daemon.
   -v <path-to-main-branch>:/base-branch \
   -v <path-to-pr-branch>:/target-branch \
   -v $(pwd)/output:/output \
   -e BASE_BRANCH=main \
   -e TARGET_BRANCH=<name-of-the-target-branch> \
   -e REPO=<owner/repo-name> \

Example on how to use it: "Try demo locally with 3 simple commands!"

Run as binary


Check the releases and find the correct binary for your operating system.

Example for downloading and running on macOS:

curl -LJO https://github.com/dag-andersen/argocd-diff-preview/releases/download/v0.0.18/argocd-diff-preview-Darwin-x86_64.tar.gz
tar -xvf argocd-diff-preview-Darwin-x86_64.tar.gz
sudo mv argocd-diff-preview /usr/local/bin
argocd-diff-preview --help
Expand section - Example of how to use it Pull down the two branches you want to compare from your repository. The main branch will be cloned into the `base-branch` folder, and the target branch will be cloned into the `target-branch` folder. ```bash git clone https://github.com// base-branch --depth 1 -q git clone https://github.com// target-branch --depth 1 -q -b ``` And now you are ready to run the tool: ```bash argocd-diff-preview \ --repo / \ --base-branch main \ --target-branch ```

Run from source


git clone https://github.com/dag-andersen/argocd-diff-preview
cd argocd-diff-preview
cargo run -- --help
Expand section - Example of how to use it Pull down the two branches you want to compare from your repository. The main branch will be cloned into the `base-branch` folder, and the target branch will be cloned into the `target-branch` folder. ```bash git clone https://github.com// base-branch --depth 1 -q git clone https://github.com// target-branch --depth 1 -q -b ``` And now you are ready to run the tool: ```bash cargo run -- \ --repo / \ --base-branch main \ --target-branch ```

Usage in a GitHub Actions Workflow

name: Argo CD Diff Preview

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: read
      pull-requests: write

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          path: pull-request

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          ref: main
          path: main

      - name: Generate Diff
        run: |
          docker run \
            --network=host \
            -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
            -v $(pwd)/main:/base-branch \
            -v $(pwd)/pull-request:/target-branch \
            -v $(pwd)/output:/output \
            -e TARGET_BRANCH=${{ github.head_ref }} \
            -e REPO=${{ github.repository }} \

      - name: Post diff as comment
        run: |
          gh pr comment ${{ github.event.number }} --repo ${{ github.repository }} --body-file output/diff.md --edit-last || \
          gh pr comment ${{ github.event.number }} --repo ${{ github.repository }} --body-file output/diff.md
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Private repositories and Helm charts

In the simple code examples above, we do not provide the cluster with any credentials, which only works if the image/Helm Chart registry and the Git repository are public. Since your repository might not be public you need to provide the tool with the necessary read-access credentials for the repository. This can be done by placing the Argo CD repo secrets in folder mounted at /secrets. When the tool starts, it will simply run kubectl apply -f /secrets to apply every resource to the cluster, before starting the rendering process.

Example of accessing a private repository with a GitHub token:

    - name: Prepare secrets
      run: |
        mkdir secrets
        cat > secrets/secret.yaml << "EOF"
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Secret
          name: private-repo
          namespace: argocd
            argocd.argoproj.io/secret-type: repo-creds
          url: https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}
          password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}      ⬅️ Short-lived GitHub Token
          username: not-used

    - name: Generate Diff
      run: |
        docker run \
          --network=host \
          -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
          -v $(pwd)/main:/base-branch \
          -v $(pwd)/pull-request:/target-branch \
          -v $(pwd)/output:/output \
          -v $(pwd)/secrets:/secrets \               ⬅️ Mount the secrets folder
          -e TARGET_BRANCH=${{ github.head_ref }} \
          -e REPO=${{ github.repository }} \

For more info, see the Argo CD docs

Helm/Kustomize generated ArgoCD applications

argocd-diff-preview will only look for YAML files in the repository with kind: Application or kind: ApplicationSet. If your applications are generated from a Helm chart or Kustomize template, you will have to add a step in the pipeline that renders the chart/template.

Helm and Kustomize examples:

    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
        path: pull-request

    - name: Generate with helm chart
      run: helm template pull-request/some/path/my-chart > pull-request/rendered-apps.yaml

    - name: Generate with kustomize
      run: kustomize build pull-request/some/path/my-kustomize > pull-request/rendered-apps.yaml

    - name: Generate Diff
      run: |
        docker run \
          --network=host \
          -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
          -v $(pwd)/main:/base-branch \

This will place the rendered manifests inside the pull-request folder, and the tool will pick them up.

Selecting which applications to render

Rendering the manifests generated by all applications in the repository on each pull request can be slow. Limiting the number of applications rendered can speed up the rendering process significantly. By default, argocd-diff-preview will render all applications in the repository.

Here are three ways to limit which applications are rendered:

Label Selectors

Run the tool with the --selector option to filter applications based on labels. The option supports =, ==, and !=.


argocd-diff-preview --selector "team=a"

This command :arrow_up: will target the following application :arrow_down: and ignore all applications that do not have the label team: a.

apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Application
  name: my-app
    team: a


You can exclude specific applications from rendering by adding the annotation argocd-diff-preview/ignore: "true" to their manifest. This is useful for skipping applications that don’t require a diff.


apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Application
  name: my-app
    argocd-diff-preview/ignore: "true"

File Regex

Alternatively, use the --file-regex option to limit rendering to manifests whose file paths match a regular expression. This is helpful when rendering changes from specific teams or directories.


If someone in your organization from Team A changes to one of their applications, the tool can be run with:

argocd-diff-preview --file-regex="/Team-A/"

This ensures only applications in folders matching */Team-A/* are rendered.

Custom Argo CD Installation

Argo CD is installed using a Helm Chart. You can specify the Chart version with the --argocd-chart-version option. It defaults to the latest version.

You can modify the Argo CD Helm Chart installation by providing the tool with a values.yaml file and mounting it in the argocd-config folder within the container. Check out all the available values in the Argo CD Helm Chart.


Here we set configs.cm."kustomize.buildOptions" in the Chart.

    - name: Set ArgoCD Custom Values
      run: |
        cat > values.yaml << "EOF"
        # set whatever helm values you want
            kustomize.buildOptions: --load-restrictor LoadRestrictionsNone --enable-helm

    - name: Generate Diff
      run: |
        docker run \
          --network=host \
          -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
          -v $(pwd)/main:/base-branch \
          -v $(pwd)/pull-request:/target-branch \
          -v $(pwd)/values.yaml:/argocd-config/values.yaml \   ⬅️ Mount values.yaml

Argo CD Config Management Plugins (CMP)

You can install any Argo CD Config Management Plugin that is supported through the Argo CD Helm Chart. However, there is no guarantee that the plugin will work with the tool, as this depends on the plugin and its specific implementation


    argocd-diff-preview [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --repo <repo> --target-branch <target-branch>

    -d, --debug      Activate debug mode
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

        --argocd-chart-version <version>      Argo CD Helm Chart version [env: ARGOCD_CHART_VERSION=]
    -b, --base-branch <base-branch>           Base branch name [env: BASE_BRANCH=]  [default: main]
        --base-branch-folder <folder>         Base branch folder [env: BASE_BRANCH_FOLDER=]  [default: base-branch]
    -i, --diff-ignore <diff-ignore>           Ignore lines in diff. Example: use 'v[1,9]+.[1,9]+.[1,9]+' for ignoring changes caused by version changes following semver [env: DIFF_IGNORE=]
    -r, --file-regex <file-regex>             Regex to filter files. Example: "/apps_.*\.yaml" [env: FILE_REGEX=]
    -c, --line-count <line-count>             Generate diffs with <n> lines above and below the highlighted changes in the diff. [env: LINE_COUNT=]  [Default: 10] 
        --local-cluster-tool <tool>           Local cluster tool. Options: kind, minikube [env: LOCAL_CLUSTER_TOOL=] [default: auto]
        --max-diff-length <length>            Max diff message character count. [env: MAX_DIFF_LENGTH=]  [Default: 65536] (GitHub comment limit)
    -o, --output-folder <output-folder>       Output folder where the diff will be saved [env: OUTPUT_FOLDER=]  [default: ./output]
        --repo <repo>                         Git Repository. Format: OWNER/REPO [env: REPO=]
    -s, --secrets-folder <secrets-folder>     Secrets folder where the secrets are read from [env: SECRETS_FOLDER=]  [default: ./secrets]
    -l, --selector <selector>                 Label selector to filter on, supports '=', '==', and '!='. (e.g. -l key1=value1,key2=value2) [env: SELECTOR=]
    -t, --target-branch <target-branch>       Target branch name [env: TARGET_BRANCH=]
        --target-branch-folder <folder>       Target branch folder [env: TARGET_BRANCH_FOLDER=]  [default: target-branch]
        --timeout <timeout>                   Set timeout [env: TIMEOUT=]  [default: 180]

All contributors



Questions, issues, or suggestions

If you experience issues or have any questions or suggestions, please open an issue in this repository! 🚀