dai-shi / proxy-compare

Compare two objects using accessed properties with Proxy
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Compare two objects using accessed properties with Proxy


This is an internal library used in state management libraries such as React Tracked and Valtio.


npm install proxy-compare


$ node
> const { createProxy, isChanged } = require('proxy-compare')
> state = { a: 1, b: 2 }
{ a: 1, b: 2 }
> affected = new WeakMap()
WeakMap { [items unknown] }
> proxy = createProxy(state, affected)
Proxy [
  { a: 1, b: 2 },
    get: [Function: get],
    has: [Function: has],
    getOwnPropertyDescriptor: [Function: getOwnPropertyDescriptor],
    ownKeys: [Function: ownKeys]
> proxy.a
> isChanged(state, { a: 1, b: 22 }, affected)
> isChanged(state, { a: 11, b: 2 }, affected)



Create a proxy.

This function will create a proxy at top level and proxy nested objects as you access them, in order to keep track of which properties were accessed via get/has proxy handlers:

NOTE: Printing of WeakMap is hard to inspect and not very readable for this purpose you can use the affectedToPathList helper.



import { createProxy } from 'proxy-compare';

const original = { a: "1", c: "2", d: { e: "3" } };
const affected = new WeakMap();
const proxy = createProxy(original, affected);

proxy.a // Will mark as used and track its value.
// This will update the affected WeakMap with original as key
// and a Set with "a"

proxy.d // Will mark "d" as accessed to track and proxy itself ({ e: "3" }).
// This will update the affected WeakMap with original as key
// and a Set with "d"

Returns Proxy<object> Object wrapped in a proxy.


Compare changes on objects.

This will compare the affected properties on tracked objects inside the proxy to check if there were any changes made to it, by default if no property was accessed on the proxy it will attempt to do a reference equality check for the objects provided (Object.is(a, b)). If you access a property on the proxy, then isChanged will only compare the affected properties.



import { createProxy, isChanged } from 'proxy-compare';

const obj = { a: "1", c: "2", d: { e: "3" } };
const affected = new WeakMap();

const proxy = createProxy(obj, affected);


isChanged(obj, { a: "1" }, affected) // false

proxy.a = "2"

isChanged(obj, { a: "1" }, affected) // true

Returns boolean Boolean indicating if the affected property on the object has changed.


Unwrap proxy to get the original object.

Used to retrieve the original object used to create the proxy instance with createProxy.



import { createProxy, getUntracked } from 'proxy-compare';

const original = { a: "1", c: "2", d: { e: "3" } };
const affected = new WeakMap();

const proxy = createProxy(original, affected);
const originalFromProxy = getUntracked(proxy)

Object.is(original, originalFromProxy) // true
isChanged(original, originalFromProxy, affected) // false

Returns (object | null) Return either the unwrapped object if exists.


Mark object to be tracked.

This function marks an object that will be passed into createProxy as marked to track or not. By default only Array and Object are marked to track, so this is useful for example to mark a class instance to track or to mark a object to be untracked when creating your proxy.



import { createProxy, markToTrack, isChanged } from 'proxy-compare';

const nested = { e: "3" }

markToTrack(nested, false)

const original = { a: "1", c: "2", d: nested };
const affected = new WeakMap();

const proxy = createProxy(original, affected);


isChanged(original, { d: { e: "3" } }, affected) // true

Returns any No return.


Convert affected to path list

affected is a weak map which is not printable. This function is can convert it to printable path list. It's for debugging purpose.


Returns any An array of paths.


replace newProxy function.

This can be used if you want to use proxy-polyfill. Note that proxy-polyfill can't polyfill everything. Use it at your own risk.


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