dailydrip / absinthe_socket

A dart client for GraphQL subscriptions via Absinthe sockets.
MIT License
6 stars 10 forks source link


A dart client for GraphQL subscriptions via Absinthe sockets

Getting Started

Use the package:

# pubspec.yaml
# ...
  absinthe_socket: ^0.0.3
# ...

Create a socket, connect it, add a subscription:

    _socket = AbsintheSocket("ws://");
    Observer _categoryObserver = Observer(
        onAbort: _onAbort,
        onCancel: _onCancel,
        onError: _onError,
        onResult: _onResult,
        onStart: _onStart);

    Notifier notifier = _socket.send(GqlRequest(
            "subscription CategoryAdded { categoryAdded { id, title } }"));
    // I also track notifiers to cancel them when my flutter widget is disposed of
    // Then when the widget is disposed, I cancel the notifiers:
    _notifiers.forEach((Notifier notifier) => _socket.cancel(notifier))
    // And you can disconnect the socket:

This is a shameless bad rip-off of part of the API of @absinthe/socket.