Octopilot is a CLI tool designed to help you automate your Gitops workflow, by automatically creating and merging GitHub Pull Requests to update specific content in Git repositories.
If you are doing Gitops with GitHub-hosted repositories, Octopilot is your swiss army knife to propagate changes in your infrastructure.
Octopilot was initially developed at Dailymotion, and is a core component of our Gitops workflow - you can read our blog post Introducing Octopilot: a CLI to automate the creation of GitHub pull requests in your gitops workflow.
Updating multiple repositories, and executing multiple update rules at once:
$ octopilot \
--github-token "my-github-token" \
--repo "my-org/some-repo" \
--repo "my-org/another-repo(merge=true)" \
--repo "discover-from(env=PROMOTE_TO_REPOSITORIES)" \
--repo "discover-from(query=org:my-org topic:my-topic)" \
--repo "discover-from(searchtype=code,query=org:my-org filename:my-file path:dir-path in-file-text)" \
--repo "discover-from(searchtype=code,query=org:my-org filename:my-file path:dir-path fork:true)" \
--update "yaml(file=config.yaml,path='version')=file(path=VERSION)" \
--update "yq(file=helmfile.yaml,expression='(.releases[] | select(.chart == \"repo/my-chart\") | .version ) = strenv(VERSION)')" \
--update "sops(file=secrets.yaml,key=path.to.base64encodedCertificateKey)=$(kubectl -n cert-manager get secrets tls-myapp -o template='{{index .data \"tls.key\"}}')" \
--pr-title "Updating some files" \
Including the release notes in the Pull Request description