A Clojure library to get the data from Elasticsearch as a lazy sequence. Following strategies are supported:
with PIT The scroll API is the default strategy.
The purpose of the library is to have an interface to consume all or some part the data from Elasticsearch. Why would you need to do that?
In general, when you need more documents than index.max_result_window
. In particular:
The library is uploaded to Clojars, so you can just:
{:deps {lt.jocas/lazy-elasticsearch-scroll {:mvn/version "1.0.14"}}}
If you want to use the code straight from Github then:
{:deps {lt.jocas/lazy-elasticsearch-scroll {:git/url "https://github.com/dainiusjocas/lazy-elasticsearch-scroll.git"
:sha "bbc7ad54c96eb9052d4f3c0fb074f316d367d4a9"}}}
(require '[scroll :as scroll])
{:es-host "http://localhost:9200"
:index-name ".kibana"
:query {:query {:match_all {}}}})
;; =>
({:_id "space:default",
:_type "_doc",
:_score 1.0,
:_index ".kibana_1",
:_source {:space {:description "This is your default space!",
:color "#00bfb3",
:name "Default",
:_reserved true,
:disabledFeatures []},
:migrationVersion {:space "6.6.0"},
:type "space",
:references [],
:updated_at "2020-02-12T14:16:18.621Z"}}
{:_id "config:7.6.0",
:_type "_doc",
:_score 1.0,
:_index ".kibana_1",
:_source {:config {:buildNum 29000}, :type "config", :references [], :updated_at "2020-02-12T14:16:20.526Z"}})
;; Scroll through all the documents:
(scroll/hits {:es-host "http://localhost:9200"})
;; Fetch at most 10 docs:
(take 10 (scroll/hits
{:es-host "http://localhost:9200"
:index-name ".kibana"
:query {:query {:match_all {}}}}))
;; Do not keywordize keys
{:es-host "http://localhost:9200"
:opts {:keywordize? false}})
;; =>
({"_score" nil,
"_type" "_doc",
"sort" [0],
"_source" {"space" {"disabledFeatures" [],
"name" "Default",
"_reserved" true,
"color" "#00bfb3",
"description" "This is your default space!"},
"references" [],
"updated_at" "2020-02-12T14:16:18.621Z",
"type" "space",
"migrationVersion" {"space" "6.6.0"}},
"_id" "space:default",
"_index" ".kibana_1"}
{"_score" nil, "_type" "_doc", "sort" [0], "_source" {"value" 0}, "_id" "0", "_index" "scroll-test-index"})
To specify strategy you need to pass one of the following keys in the opts map: [:scroll-api :search-after]
. For the scroll API:
{:es-host "http://localhost:9200"
:opts {:strategy :scroll-api}})
For the search_after
{:es-host "http://localhost:9200"
:opts {:strategy :search-after}})
The scroll API is the default choice because it is the most common and relatively convenient way of getting documents from Elasticsearch. However, it has several disadvantages:
The search-after
strategy has several nice benefits:
under the hood is filtering, filters can be cached, so it is reasonably fast;However search-after
is not a silver bullet:
is resource intensive, therefore you might get timeouts;_doc
is unpredictable because _doc is unique per shard;search-after
with PITCombining search-after
strategy with PIT (Point-in-Time) is the recommended way to implement deep paging.
Things to remember before using the PIT:
Since there is no obvious way to know when to terminate the PIT when hits are exposed as a lazy sequence, temination is the responsibility of the caller. For example, when a fixed number of hits is needed the PIT session can be handled similar to this:
(let [opts {:keep-alive "30s"}
es-host "http://localhost:9200"
index-name ".kibana"
pit (pit/init es-host index-name opts)
; mutable state is needed because PIT ID might change
latest-pit-id (atom (:id pit))
pit-with-keep-alive (assoc pit :keep_alive (or (:keep-alive opts) "30s"))]
(take 10
{:es-host es-host
:index-name index-name
:query (assoc {:query {:match_all {}}} :pit pit-with-keep-alive)
:opts {:strategy :search-after
; expects an atom
; the contents of an atom will be a string with PIT ID
:latest-pit-id latest-pit-id}})
; last element of the lazy-sequence is the output of `do` macro
; and inside the `do` we terminate the PIT and return nil
; that last nil will not be in the sequence because `lazy-cat` terminates if nil
(log/debugf "PIT terminated with: %s"
(pit/terminate es-host {:id @latest-pit-id}))
Yes, It is a horrible hack, but it gets the job done while exposing the Elasticsearch as a lazy sequence of hits.
The basic authorization is supported via environment variables:
, no default valueELASTIC_PASSWORD
, no default valueRun the development environment make run-dev-env
. This will start a docker-compose
cluster with Elasticsearch
and Kibana on exposed ports 9200
and 5601
To run development environment with a specific ELK version:
ES_VERSION=6.8.12 make run-dev-env
Run integration tests locally make run-integration-tests
. This will start a docker-compose
in which the integration
tests will be run.
To run integration tests with a specific ELK version:
ES_VERSION=6.8.8 make run-integration-tests
Copyright © 2020 Dainius Jocas.
Distributed under The Apache License, Version 2.0.