dainst / ariadne-portal

MIT License
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archeology elasticsearch laravel portal


The ARIADNE Portal is a web application bases on Laravel. It's main purpose is to offer access to the ARIADNE catalog data provided through Elasticsearch.

Setup for development

Install composer

https://getcomposer.org Follow install instructions for your operating system


Clone this repo from GitHub Create local config file Make a copy of .env.example and name it .env Edit .env in a text editor, update info about elastic search etc.

Install vendor libraries via composer

navigate to the root folder of the project (where composer.json is located) run:

composer install

Libraries used by the portal will now be downloaded, this could take a while The libraries will be downloaded into the directory called “vendor”, this directory is ignored in the file .gitignore If you have project files from your IDE in the same folder as the source code, add these to .gitignore

Compile JS and CSS files

Gulp is used to compile SCSS into CSS files and to combine and minify all JavaScript files. Before deployment gulp has to be run:

npm install
bower install

For Windows:

1) Download node.js https://nodejs.org/en/download/
2) Download python https://www.python.org/getit/windows/
3) Run npm install -g node-gyp
4) Run npm install
5) Run npm install -g bower
5) Run npm install -g gulp

Run the portal during development

To run the portal in PHP:s built in webserver:

php artisan serve

The portal will now be accessible via http://localhost:8000

To automatically recompile js and css files after changes

gulp watch

Development setup with apache

Easiest way to do development is to create a virtual host (vhost). Example config:

<VirtualHost ariadne.laravel.localhost:80>
    ServerAdmin webmaster@dummy-host2.example.com
    DocumentRoot "C:/Users/karl/ariadne-portal/public/"

    <Directory "C:/Users/karl/ariadne-portal/public/">
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI 
        Order allow,deny  
        Allow from all  
        AllowOverride All 
        AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

    ServerName ariadne.laravel.localhost
    ErrorLog "logs/ariadne.laravel.localhost-error.log"
    CustomLog "logs/ariadne.laravel.localhost-access.log" common

Observe the path of the directory, DocumentRoot should be the folder named public inside the project folder. Place this file in apaches vhost directory, be sure the line for loading the module vhost_alias_module and “Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf” is uncommented.

Next add an entry to your host file: (on windows C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts, mac: Open /Applications/Utilities/NetInfo Manager, linux: sudo nano /etc/hosts) ariadne.laravel.localhost

The portal should now be hosted via http://ariadne.laravel.localhost


In order to create a distribution package run:

gulp dist


The tar.gz package built with gulp dist - which can also be downloaded here - contains all files needed to run the application on a web server.

The contents of this package can be extracted and made available through any WebServer that supports PHP.

After extracting make sure that the variables in .env are set up for the particular environment.

Example configuration for Apache

    <VirtualHost *:80>
            ServerName portal.ariadne-infrastructure.eu
            ServerAlias ariadne-portal.dcu.gr
            DocumentRoot /var/www/ariadne-portal/public
            ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
            Alias / "/var/www/ariadne-portal/public/"
            <Directory /var/www/ariadne-portal/public>
                    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                    AllowOverride All
                    Order allow,deny
                    allow from all
                    AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
            ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/ariadne-portal_error.log
            LogLevel warn
            CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined