dair-iitd / OxKBC

State-of-the-art models for Knowledge Base Completion (KBC) for large KBs (such as FB15k1and YAGO) are based on tensor factorization (TF), e.g, DistMult, ComplEx. While they produce2good results, they cannot expose any rationale behind their predictions, potentially reducing the3trust of a user in the outcome of the model. Previous works have explored creating an inherently4explainable model, e.g. Neural Theorem Proving (NTP), DeepPath, MINERVA, but explainability5in them comes at the cost of performance. Others have tried to create an auxiliary explainable6model having high fidelity with the underlying TF model, but unfortunately, they do not scale well7to large KBs. In this work, we proposeOXKBC– anOutcome eXplanation engine forKBC,8which provides a post-hoc explanation for every triple inferred by a (uninterpretable) factorization9based model. It first augments the underlying Knowledge Graph by introducing weighted edges10between entities based on their similarity given by the underlying model. It then defines a notion11of human-understandable explanation paths along with a language to generate them. Depending12on the edges, the paths are aggregated into second–order templates for further selection. The best13template with its grounding is then selected by a neural selection module that is trained with minimal14supervision by a novel loss function. Experiments over Mechanical Turk demonstrate that users15overwhelmingly find our explanations more trustworthy compared to rule mining.
MIT License
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OxKBC: Outcome Explanation for Factorization Based Knowledge Base Completion

Code accompanying AKBC'20 paper of the same title. Paper link: https://openreview.net/forum?id=nqYhFwaUj

We propose a method, that can be used to explain why an embedding based neural model trained for knowledge base completion gave that specific answer for a query. More specifically, given a knowledge base represented as a list of triples (e1, r, e2), we train an embedding based neural model to answer the query (e1, r, ?) which give the answer as u. We try to give reasoning for that answer for an arbitrary embedding based neural model. Presently, we are using a near state of the art model TypeDM

Getting Started


There is a slight change in template naming convention in this code.
Templates 5 and 6 from the paper are templates 1 and 2 respectively in this repository.
Templates 1, 2, 3 and 4 from the paper are templates 3, 4, 5 and 6 respectively in this repository. Follow each section below to successfully replicate our results.


python >= 3.6
pytorch (version 0.3.1.post2)
numpy (version 1.13.3)
sklearn (version 0.19.1)
matplotlib (version 2.1.0)
pandas (version 0.20.3)
bs4 (beautiful soup 4 --> version 4.6.0)

Project Structure

  1. Clone this repository and cd into the project.
  2. Run mkdir dumps and download this dump file here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kX3V9QRTPGSpF0c8Fh3LCoyFtxgM3pT6?usp=sharing
  3. Download and extract the fb15k dataset into data/fb15k folder, such that you have data/fb15k/train.txt, data/fb15k/valid.txt and data/fb15k/test.txt. See data section.

Template Builder

We have a set of fixed templates, which we suppose are enough to explain some part of the dataset. We need an embedding dump of the neural model in the following format:

dump = {
    'relation_to_id': {relation name: int id},
    'entity_to_id': {entity name: int id},

    'entity_real': numpy.ndarray(shape=(number of entities, embedding dim),dtype=np.float32),
    'entity_type': numpy.ndarray(shape=(number of entities, type embedding dim),dtype=np.float32),

    'rel_real': numpy.ndarray(shape=(number of relations, embedding dim),dtype=np.float32),
    'head_rel_type': numpy.ndarray(shape=(number of relations, type embedding dim),dtype=np.float32),
    'tail_rel_type': numpy.ndarray(shape=(number of relations, type embedding dim),dtype=np.float32)

Make sure the embeddings are normalized, to do so use scripts/normalize.py, just change the file names. (If you completed the Project Structure section, you would already have the embeddings dump in dumps folder.

Now, we need to build template tables for these templates.

To do so, run the template_builder.py file

mkdir logs
mkdir logs/fb15k
python3 template_builder.py -h       ## Get help
python3 template_builder.py -d fb15k -m distmult -w dumps/fb15k_distmult_dump_norm.pkl -s logs/fb15k -v 1 --t_ids 1 2 3 4 5 6 --data_repo_root ./data

This will save 1-6.pkl in the save_directory which is logs/fb15k in the above example.


We need to preprocess the textual data to numeric data for our selection module as an input. To do so run the file preprocessing.py as given below:

## Generate a train file, where we do not have labels of y
python3 preprocessing.py -d fb15k -m distmult -f ./data/fb15k/train.txt -s logs/fb15k/sm_with_id.data -w dumps/fb15k_distmult_dump_norm.pkl -l logs/fb15k -v 1 --t_ids 1 2 3 4 5 6 --data_repo_root ./data --negative_count 2

## Generate a valid/test file, where we do have labels of y
python3 preprocessing.py -d fb15k -m distmult -f ./data/fb15k/labelled_train/labelled_train_x.txt -s logs/fb15k/sm_valid_with_id.data -w dumps/fb15k_distmult_dump_norm.pkl -l logs/fb15k -v 1 --t_ids 1 2 3 4 5 6 --data_repo_root ./data --negative_count 0 --y_labels ./data/fb15k/labelled_train/labelled_train_y6.txt

This will write a pkl and txt file with the name logs/fb15k/sm_with_id.data.[pkl/txt]. This file contains the data in the following format:

Column 0-2 contains the integer numeric id of e1, r and e2 in order
Column 3-44 contains the input vector for template 1,2,3,4,5,6 in order
Column 45 contains 1 if the fact is positive and 0 if it is negative(randomly sampled hence assumed false)

For the valid and test data generated with --y_labels flag, the column 45 contains the template id which produces the best explanation. It is annotated manually.

For this valid data, we shuffled it and randomly split into 80-20 ratio used as labelled train and valid data. The files generated were sm_sup_train_with_id.pkl and sm_sup_valid_with_id.pkl respectively, using the following script in sm folder:

python3 create_train_val_split.py --labelled_total_data_path ../logs/fb15k/sm_valid_with_id.data.pkl --total_labels_path ../data/fb15k/labelled_train/labelled_train_y6.txt --labelled_training_data_path ../logs/fb15k/sm_sup_train_with_id.pkl --train_labels_path ../logs/fb15k/sm_sup_train_multilabels.txt --val_data_path ../logs/fb15k/sm_sup_valid_with_id.pkl --val_labels_path ../logs/fb15k/sm_sup_valid_multilabels.txt --train_split 0.8 --seed 242 --num_templates 6

Training Selection Module

Next to train the selection module run the file sm/main.py as given below:

## Semi supervised training with KL Divergence = 0

python3 main.py --training_data_path ../logs/fb15k/sm_with_id.data.pkl --labelled_training_data_path ../logs/fb15k/sm_sup_train_with_id.pkl --val_data_path ../logs/fb15k/sm_sup_valid_with_id.pkl --exp_name train_semi_kl1 --num_epochs 20 --config ./configs/fb15k_config.yml --hidden_unit_list 90 40 --lr 0.001 --cuda --batch_size 2048 --mil --num_templates 6 --each_input_size 7 --supervision semi --output_path ../logs/sm --train_labels_path ../logs/fb15k/sm_sup_train_multilabels.txt --val_labels_path ../logs/fb15k/sm_sup_valid_multilabels.txt

## Semi supervised training with KL Divergence = 1

python3 main.py --training_data_path ../logs/fb15k/sm_with_id.data.pkl --labelled_training_data_path ../logs/fb15k/sm_sup_train_with_id.pkl --val_data_path ../logs/fb15k/sm_sup_valid_with_id.pkl --exp_name train_semi_kl1 --num_epochs 20 --config ./configs/fb15k_config.yml --hidden_unit_list 90 40 --lr 0.001 --cuda --batch_size 2048 --mil --num_templates 6 --each_input_size 7 --supervision semi --output_path ../logs/sm --kldiv_lambda 1 --label_distribution_file ../logs/fb15k/label_distribution.yml  --train_labels_path ../logs/fb15k/sm_sup_train_multilabels.txt --val_labels_path ../logs/fb15k/sm_sup_valid_multilabels.txt

Refer to sm/e2e.sh for different settings of training.

This will save the best model (_best_checkpoint.pth0), a learning_curve.txt and a log.txt in the output folder named [output_path]/[exp_name].

To test and evaluate, we use the --only_eval mode of the code

## To test the model, on a test file (generate it with preprocessing.py similar to valid data)

python3 main.py --training_data_path ../logs/fb15k/sm_with_id.data.pkl --labelled_training_data_path ../logs/fb15k/sm_sup_train_with_id.pkl --val_data_path ../logs/fb15k/test_hits1_sm.data.pkl --exp_name test_semi --num_epochs 20 --config ./configs/fb15k_semi.yml --lr 0.001 --cuda --batch_size 2048 --mil --num_templates 5 --each_input_size 7 --supervision semi --output_path ../logs/sm/ --checkpoint ../logs/sm/train_semi/train_semi_r0.125_p1_n-2_i4_best_checkpoint.pth0 --only_eval --pred_file preds.txt

This will report the f score and log the predictions in [output_path]/[exp_name]/[pred_file]

Similarly test for KL divergence = 1.

Amazon Mechanical Turk

We had two experiments on Amazon Mechanical Turk.

Is TeXKBC better?

We have an html file turk_template.html which is the form, which turkers have to fill. We need to generate a csv file containing information of HITs according to this HTML file. To do this use:

python3 get_turk_data.py -d fb15k -w dumps/fb15k_distmult_dump_norm.pkl -l logs/fb15k/ -o logs/fb15k/turk_better/ -tf ./data/fb15k/turk/test_hits1.txt -tp logs/sm/test_semi/preds.txt -rp [rule pred file] --data_repo_root ./data --num 5

It will generate a book file (which is a html file for easy viewing) and a logs/fb15k/turk_better/turk_better_hits.csv which is to be uploaded while creating a batch.

To analyze the results, download the results.csv file from MTurk, and run:

python3 get_turk_res.py -rf logs/fb15k/turk_better/results.csv -op logs/fb15k/turk_better/ -bf logs/fb15k/turk_better/turk_better_book.html

It then generates an analysis html file (logs/fb15k/turk_better/results_analysis.html) if all the HITs are valid, if Not it generates a CSV (logs/fb15k/turk_better/results_rejected.csv) with a reason for rejecting the HIT. Upload that CSV to MTurk to reject the HITs, not pay the turkers and republish the hits for other workers to do.

Are explanations useful?

We have an html file turk_useful_template.html which is the form, which turkers have to fill. We need to generate a csv file containing information of HITs according to this HTML file. To do this use:

python3 get_turk_useful_data.py -d fb15k -w dumps/fb15k_distmult_dump_norm.pkl -l logs/fb15k/ -o logs/fb15k/turk_useful/ -tf ./data/fb15k/turk/test_hits1.txt -tp logs/sm/test_semi/preds.txt --data_repo_root ./data --num 5

Essentially it generates a book file (which is a html file for easy viewing) and a logs/fb15k/turk_useful/turk_useful_exps_hits.csv and logs/fb15k/turk_useful/turk_useful_no_exps_hits.csv. They contain the data for the facts, with explanation and without explanations respectively.

To analyze the results, download the results.csv file from MTurk, and run:

python3 get_turk_useful_res.py -rf logs/fb15k/turk_useful/results.csv -op logs/fb15k/turk_useful/

It then generates an analysis html file (logs/fb15k/turk_useful/results_analysis.html) if all the HITs are valid, if Not it generates a CSV (logs/fb15k/turk_useful/results_rejected.csv) with a reason for rejecting the HIT. Upload that CSV to MTurk to reject the HITs, not pay the turkers and republish the hits for other workers to do.


We had a number of scripts written to do small tasks, and it is present in the scripts directory. Most of them have their functionalities written at the top of the files as a doc string.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details

BibTeX Citation

If you use OxKBC in any publication, we would appreciate the following citation:

title={Ox{\{}KBC{\}}: Outcome Explanation for Factorization Based Knowledge Base Completion},
author={Yatin Nandwani and Ankesh Gupta and Aman Agrawal and Mayank Singh Chauhan and Parag Singla and Mausam},
booktitle={Automated Knowledge Base Construction},


Project completed under the guidance of