daisy / pipeline-webui

A Web User Interface for the DAISY Pipeline 2
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Pipeline 2 Web UI

This project provides a Web User Interface for the DAISY Pipeline 2, developed with the Play! framework.

Publishing builds

NOTE: To build RPM packages in Ubuntu, you first need to install the rpm package using sudo apt-get install rpm.

1. Prepare the release

In build.sbt, update the version := "...". The versioning should follow semantic versioning rules. Snapshots should have a -SNAPSHOT version suffix.

2. Perform the release

Snapshot version

If you just want to publish a snapshot version of a debian package, simply run:

./activator clean universal:publish debian:publish

That will upload snapshot versions to sonatype.

Release version

If you want to publish a release version, you need to sign the files. The following are instructions on how to do this manually.

(We could possibly find out how to configure sbt so that it automatically signs the files for us, but for now this is fine.)

To build the Windows MSI installer, you need to have WiX Toolset installed, and run the following command from Windows:

.\activator clean windows:packageBin

If you do this on a separate computer / OS; copy the resulting MSI-file from target\windows back to the target folder (i.e. in Linux) with the rest of the packaged files before continuing. Make sure you're on the same git commit and tag in both git folders.

To build the DEB and RPM packages, and then sign everything (including the MSI assuming it's default location of target/windows) run the following:

./activator clean debian:debianSign rpm:packageBin
gpg -ab target/*.pom
gpg -ab target/*.deb
gpg -ab target/rpm/RPMS/noarch/*.rpm
gpg -ab target/windows/*.msi


The Web UI is now published.

...if you need permissions

You will need to have publish rights to the DAISY group on Sonatype. Ask the developers mailinglist if you don't have permissions. Once you have permissions you need to create the file ~/.sbt/0.13/sonatype.sbt with the following contents, replacing with your username and password:

credentials += Credentials("Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager",

3. Prepare for the next development iteration

Merge with the master branch if necessary.

Add a -SNAPSHOT suffix to the version in build.sbt.