daisy / pipeline

Super-project that aggregates all Pipeline related code, provides a common tracker for Pipeline related issues and holds the Pipeline website
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This is a convenience "super" Pipeline project that aggregates all sub-projects and 3rd-party libraries.

This makes branching, building, and releasing of several sub-projects at once easier.

The aggregating and the backporting of changes to the individual projects is done using a tool called git-subrepo. The idea is that all the git magic will be done by the owners, and that committers can just treat this repository as a regular one. There is a rule though that committers need to follow because of some limitations of git-subrepo:

Committers are of course also free to make pull requests to the individual repositories, or do other advanced things such as switching a certain sub-repository to an existing branch. Advanced git knowledge is required in these cases. Ask for help if needed.

The tree below shows the structure of the project:

See http://daisy.github.io/pipeline/Contribute/Developer-Guide/Sources/ for more information about the source code.


This is also a common issue tracker for the Pipeline. Use the individual issue trackers of the sub-projects listed above for issues that clearly belong to a specific sub-project. Before creating a new issue, please first check the existing open issues.


The gh-pages branch contains the source of the Pipeline website.