dajiangliu / rareGWAMA

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A rareGWAMA R package

Table of Contents


rareGWAMA is a flexible software package for imputation based GWAS meta-analysis.
It is developed and maintained by Dajiang Liu's Group.


Liu DJ†, Peloso GM, Zhan X, Holmen O, Zawistowski M, Feng S, Nikpay M, Auer PL, Goel A, Zhang H, Peters U, Farrall M, Orho-Melander M, Kooperberg C, McPherson R, Watkins H, Willer CJ, Hveem, K, Melander O, Kathiresan S, Abecasis GR†
Meta-analysis of gene-level tests of rare variant association, Nature Genetics, 46, 200–204 (2014)
doi: 10.1038/ng.2852.

Installing the rareGWAMA R package

The package is hosted on github, which allows installation and update to be very easy. First, make sure you have the mvtnorm and data.table packages installed:


And also, you need the latest version of seqminer:


Then you could use:


With library(rareGWAMA), your are ready to go!

Quick tutorial

Single variant tests

1.The very basic test is using:

res <- rareGWAMA.single(score.stat.file=study, imp.qual.file =imp.qual, tabix.range="1:11000-58000", alternative="two.sided", col.impqual=5, impQual.lb=0, impQualWeight=FALSE, weight="Npq+impQ",gc=FALSE, rmMultiAllelicSite=TRUE);

please find more details in the input and arguments part for the arguments:

  • score.stat.file: The file names of score statistic files, which could be a vector object;
  • imp.qual.file: The file names of imputation quality, which could be a vector object;
  • tabix.range: The tabix range, which must be in quote and provided as a string like this: "1:11000-58000";
  • alternative: The alternative hypothesis. Default is two.sided;
  • col.impqual: The column number for the imputation quality score;
  • impQual.lb: The lower bound for the imputation quality. Variants with imputaiton quality less than impQual.lb will be labelled as missing;
  • impQualWeight: Using imputation quality as weight;
  • rmMultiAllelicSite: Default is TRUE. Multi-allelic sites will be removed from the analyses if set TRUE, and a variable posMulti will be output; The variant site with multiple alleles can be analyzed using rareGWAMA.single.multiAllele function;

2.The out put should be as follows:

     POS           REF ALT  AF         STAT       PVALUE     BETA        SD         N        DIRECTION                          EFFECTIVE_N
[1,] "9:100000040" "G" "A"  "2.28e-05" "1.01e+00" "3.16e-01" " 7.29e-01" " 0.72624" "41634"  "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX++XX" "7925"
[2,] "9:100000056" "T" "TA" "7.07e-01" "1.62e+00" "2.04e-01" "-9.09e-03" " 0.00715" "47219"  "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXX--XX" "46951"
[3,] "9:100000102" "G" "C"  "6.91e-04" "8.00e-01" "3.71e-01" "-7.78e-02" " 0.08691" "95869"  "+++---+-------++XX-++--X++----XX" "36378"
[4,] "9:100000172" "C" "T"  "2.26e-05" "2.25e-01" "6.35e-01" "-1.99e-01" " 0.41982" "125656" "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXX--X+" "20434"
[5,] "9:100000177" "C" "G"  "2.16e-04" "8.38e-01" "3.60e-01" "-1.04e-01" " 0.11335" "179891" "-+---X+XX-+--+-+-X-+-+-X++-+--X+" "89179"
[6,] "9:100000187" "A" "T"  "1.13e-04" "6.78e-01" "4.10e-01" "-2.35e-01" " 0.28514" "54235"  "+-++-XX+--++--+-XX+++++X----XXXX" "21285"
  1. For demo data, please see ?rareGWAMA.single.

Conditional single variant tests

1.The command should be like:

res <- rareGWAMA.cond.single(score.stat.file=study, imp.qual.file=imp.qual, vcf.ref.file="{$your_path}/ALL.chr9.phase3.genotypes.vcf.gz", candidateVar="9:97018619", knownVar="9:100000172", alternative="two.sided", col.impqual=5, impQual.lb=0, impQualWeight=FALSE, weight="Npq+impQ", gc=FALSE, rmMultiAllelicSite=TRUE);

please find more details in the input and arguments part for the arguments:

  • score.stat.file: The file names of score statistic files, which could be a vector object;
  • imp.qual.file: The file names of imputation quality, which could be a vector object;
  • vcf.ref.file: the file names of the reference panel file, e.g. could be downloaded from 1000 Genomes Project.
  • candidateVar: The tabix range;
  • knownVar: The known variant;
  • alternative: The alternative hypothesis. Default is two.sided;
  • col.impqual: The column number for the imputation quality score;
  • impQual.lb: The lower bound for the imputation quality. Variants with imputaiton quality less than impQual.lb will be labelled as missing;
  • impQualWeight: Using imputation quality as weight;
  • rmMultiAllelicSite: Default is TRUE. Multi-allelic sites will be removed from the analyses if set TRUE, and a variable posMulti will be output; The variant site with multiple alleles can be analyzed using rareGWAMA.single.multiAllele function;

2.The out put should be as follows:

    POS          REF ALT AF         STAT    PVALUE BETA    SD      N       numStability
[1,] "9:97018619" "T" "C" "8.82e-05" "0.093" "0.76" "0.131" "0.428" "54235" "0"
  1. For demo data, please see ?rareGWAMA.cond.single.

Gene based tests

For more details, please see the SHOWCASE

1.The command should be like:

res.gene <- rareGWAMA.gene(score.stat.file, imp.qual.file=imp.qual.file, vcf.ref.file, refFileFormat="vcf.vbi", anno=anno, annoType=c('Nonsynonymous','Stop_Gain',"Essential_Splice_site"), rvtest='VT', ref.ancestry=ref.ancestry, trans.ethnic=TRUE, study.ancestry=study.ancestry, maf.cutoff=0.01);

please find more details in the input and arguments part for the arguments:

  • score.stat.file: The file names of score statistic files, which could be a vector object;
  • imp.qual.file: The file names of imputation quality, which could be a vector object;
  • vcf.ref.file: The file names of the reference panel file, e.g. could be downloaded from 1000 Genomes Project.
  • anno: Annotation file or list;
  • annoType: The annotation types you want to use;
  • rvtest: The method you want to use (i.e. 'VT', 'BURDEN', 'SKAT');
  • ref.ancestry: The ancestry information for each sample;
  • study.ancestry: The ancestry information for each study;
  • maf.cutoff: The cutoff for the MAF, could be 0.01, 0.05, 0.001, whatever you want;

2.The out put should be as follows:

MATN2   8:97931370-98033638     2.19    0.353   0.009472856879857       3       0.0123  8:97961468_G/A,8:98018087_G/A,8:98021213_G/A    204783  8:98021213_G/A  0.01813449913
STK3    8:98767360-98767360     0.0894  0.765   0.00582326555223991     1       0.00582 8:98767360_C/T  235921  8:98767360_C/T  0.00505283659608632     0.0168969355386225
VPS13B  8:99121478-99853608     0.305   0.752   0.00630135839199519     2       0.0117  8:99778930_G/A,8:99820031_A/G   283684  8:99778930_G/A  0.0114882148633614      0.016
COX6C   8:99892015-99892015     0.349   0.555   0.00244114819976761     1       0.00244 8:99892015_G/A  231499  8:99892015_G/A  -0.0159448806371386     0.0269803627402012

Input files and arguments

:point_right: All the score statistics files and imputation quality files should be tabix indexed.
Say if you have such files: study1.gz(score statistics files), study2.gz, study1.R2.gz(imputation quality files), study2.R2.gzin your folder, and already added tabix to your $PATH environment variable, you could use:

for file in study*;do g=`zcat $file | head -200 | grep -n CHROM | cut -f1 -d":"`; tabix -f -S $g -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 $file; done

to tabix each file.

Score statistics files:

If you use 1 RVTESTS, the output is ready to go:

1       10177   A       AC      2352    0.5     2352    1       0       0       2352    0       1.67496 2.51553 0.264695        0.505508
1       10235   T       TA      2352    0       0       1       1       2352    0       0       -0.108472       0.207841        -2.51104        0.601742
1       10352   T       TA      2352    0.5     2352    1       0       0       2352    0       0.665562        2.61389 0.0974122       0.799013
1       10539   C       A       2352    0       0       1       1       2352    0       0       -0.00020902     0.0626305       -0.0532862      0.997337

Imputation quality files:

An example file has the following format:

CHROM   POS     REF     ALT     Rsq
1       10177   A       AC      0.00581
1       10235   T       TA      0.00396
1       10352   T       TA      0.00608
1       10539   C       A       0.00154
1       10616   CCGCCGTTGCAAAGGCGCGCCG  C       0.02085
1       10642   G       A       0.00013reference allele

There are five columns, which are Chromosome #, Position, Reference allele, Alternative allele and R square quality. The higher of R square quality(the 5th column) value, the better of the genotype imputation quality.

VCF reference files:

The file names of the reference panel file.
You could download the files from 1000 Genomes Project: ftp://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp/release/20130502.
Also, you could subset the ranges you want by using tabix, with command looks like:

tabix -h ALL.2of4intersection.20100804.genotypes.vcf.gz 2:39967768-39967768

For more details, please see: How do I get a sub-section of a VCF file?;

Annotation files:

       chrom      pos ref alt         af          anno    gene
112207     1 32247432   G   A 0.03425920 Nonsynonymous FAM167B
112208     1 32247598   A   G 0.07993410          Exon FAM167B
112209     1 32247709   G   T 0.00645166        Intron FAM167B
112210     1 32248405   G   C 0.00290383 Nonsynonymous FAM167B
140157     1 41479019   C   T 0.09314330          Utr3    EDN2
140158     1 41479369   C   T 0.06422470          Utr3    EDN2

Ancestry files:


You should have a original file (i.e. ref.ancestry.ori) as:

        fid ancestry study
1 samp1      HIM  HCHS
2 samp2      HIM  HCHS
3 samp3      HIM  HCHS
4 samp4      HIM  HCHS
5 samp5      HIM  HCHS
6 samp6      HIM  HCHS

Then, you use: ref.ancestry <- cbind(ref.ancestry.ori[,1], paste(ref.ancestry.ori[,2], ref.ancestry.ori[,3], sep=","))

So, the final format should be a matrix:

     [,1]        [,2]
[1,] "samp1" "HIM,HCHS"
[2,] "samp2" "HIM,HCHS"
[3,] "samp3" "HIM,HCHS"
[4,] "samp4" "HIM,HCHS"
[5,] "samp5" "HIM,HCHS"
[6,] "samp6" "HIM,HCHS"


Just a vector, as

[1] "AACAC" "AMISH" "ARIC"  "BAGS"  "CFS"   "CHS"


Questions and requests can be sent to Github issue page (link) or Dajiang Liu (dajiang.liu@outlook.com) and Fang Chen(fchen1@hmc.psu.edu)


1: Xiaowei Zhan, Youna Hu, Bingshan Li, Goncalo R. Abecasis, and Dajiang J. Liu
RVTESTS: An Efficient and Comprehensive Tool for Rare Variant Association Analysis Using Sequence Data
Bioinformatics 2016 32: 1423-1426. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btw079 (PDF)