dakomura / SegPath_code

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SegPath generation

This repository provides scripts to generate annotation masks for tissue/cell segmentation using immunofluorescence restaining.


Python 3.7 or newer



This script extracts patches from Whole Slide Images (.ndpi) of tissue microarray sections after rigid and non-rigid registration between H&E-stained and immunofluorescence (IF)-restained sections.


python 1.registration_patch_extraction.py targetdir outdir [option] 
Input Variable Description
--init-scale scale used for rough registration
--regist_scale scale for fine-grained registration
--img_size output image size
--mask_th cutoff IHC intensity for mask generation (0-255)
--overwrite overwrite output image files

targetdir must contain subdirectories, each of which have the following three .ndpi files.

  1. HE-stained WSI file the file must contain either 'DAPI' or 'Opal' in its name.
  2. DAPI-stained WSI file (the file must contain 'DAPI' in its name.)
  3. IF-stained WSI file (the file must contain 'Opal' in its name.)

The slides must be scanned at 40x magnification.

The last directory name of targetdir is used in other scripts as antibody.


The HE and IF-image pair files have the same prefix in their name.


This script runs Cellpose to the extrated patches (for cell segmentation).


python 2_CELL.run_cellpose.py input_dir [option] 
Input Variable Description
--pos_th IF intensity cutoff for mask generation(0-255)
--diameter expected nucleus diameter(px)
--bs batch size for cellpose
--overlap overlap rate for positive cell
--cpu CPU mode
--reuse reuse cellpose results
--skip skip if the output file exists
--cellpose_th Cell probability threshold

input_dir is the output directory created by 1.registration_patch_extraction.py



This script generates the segmentation masks based on the patches from IF-restained sections and the Cellpose output.


python 3_CELL.mask_generation.py input_dir 

input_dir is the output directory containig files created by 2_CELL.run_cellpose.pyy



This script generates the segmentation masks for red blood cells based on the patches from IF-restained sections.


python 3_RBC.mask_generation.py input_file [option] 
Input Variable Description
--msize_opal minimum size of IF positive region
--th_opal IF intensity cutoff

input_file is the output HE-stained patch file created by 1.registration_patch_extraction.py



This script generates the segmentation masks for tissues based on the patches from IF-restained sections (requires MLFlow).


python 3_REGION.mask_generation.py input_dir [option] 
Input Variable Description
--th_opal IF intensity cutoff

Note: Please modify the source code so that the RBC segmentation model can be loaded from MLFlow server (l.22-25, l.100).

input_dir is the output directory created by 1.registration_patch_extraction.py



This script calculates blur level and the correlation between DAPI and Hematoxylin signal.


python 4.QC_make_summary.py input_dir 

input_dir is the output directory created by 1.registration_patch_extraction.py



This script filters out patches based blur level and the correlation between DAPI and Hematoxylin signal.


python 5.filter_QC.py input_dir antibody 

input_dir is the output directory created by 1.registration_patch_extraction.py antibody is used in the output csv.



This script trains the segmentation models (requires MLFlow). usage:

python 6.train_segmentation_model.py antibody [option]
Input Variable Description
--user user name for MLFlow
--data_dir input data directory
--resume resume file for Optuna Study
--img_size input image size
--post postfix for MLflow name
--loss loss type(combo/dice/bce/ftv/focal/auto)
--lparam1 loss parameter 1
--lparam2 loss parameter 2
--nepoch number of epochs
--n_trials number of optuna trials
--nbatch_tr training batch size
--accum_grad use accumulate gradient
--oversampling oversampling for training data
--num_gpus number of GPU used for training
--debug debug mode (only 5% samples are used for train/val

Note: Please modify the source code so that the RBC segmentation model can be loaded from MLFlow server (l.192-195).
