dalanicolai / pdf-tools

Emacs support library for PDF files.
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 8 forks source link

Additionally, I think writing a developers guide would be a very valuable resource for (future) hackers (and users, because they can also learn a ton of useful tricks from it). I am planning to expand the guide in [[../../wiki][the wiki section]]. Of course, writing such a guide takes even more time. Therefore, also to make this possible, I would be very happy with your support, either by contributing to the work, or otherwise by making a donation if your financial situation allows for that (it is a donation also to Emacs, and to the future users/students who might like to enjoy this package).

** Thanks for current donations I have already received some (anonymous) donations. Although I am thankful for any donation, I would like to use this space to thank the anonymous donor(s) (that I otherwise don't know how to reach).

For vanilla Emacs and other distributions I had hoped to recommend using Quelpa, but as far as I have found, Quelpa does not support the =:files= keyword for building the package, and also it seems not to add installed packages to the load path (please, let me know if I am wrong).

Therefore, I think it is probably best to either just clone the code and load the required files using the following function (replace the =dir= path with the correct one):

+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle yes

(defun pdf-load () (interactive) (let ((dir "~/git/pdf-tools/lisp/")) (load (concat dir "pdf-scroll.el")) (load (concat dir "pdf-view.el")) (load (concat dir "pdf-isearch.el")) (load (concat dir "pdf-util.el")) (load (concat dir "pdf-annot.el")) (load (concat dir "pdf-debug.el")) (load-library "pdf-tools")))


or use some alternative package manager (users of those probably know how to use it, see the Spacemacs instructions above for hints for the recipe). Otherwise, you could follow the [[https://github.com/vedang/pdf-tools#installing-pdf-tools][pdf-tools installation instructions]] (clone the package, be sure that you 'meet' all requirements, e.g. having =cask= available on your path. Then build the tar file by running =make= in the pdf-tools directory and install the tar file using =package-install-file=).