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Traps in general tend to DISAPPEAR(not fail/resist) on multiple mob fight scenarios #26

Open slicplaya opened 2 years ago

slicplaya commented 2 years ago

Current behaviour: Upon using an Explosive trap followed by Frost, and Snake traps( I have Ensnarement 1/3 - 2 second snare), The Explosive trap triggers and damages the opponents. The Frost and Snake traps completely disappeared(not resist/fail). I hit readiness and did it again, and the same result occurred.

Expected behaviour: Traps Should not disappear ever unless their duration runs out, and should either trigger in success, resist, or fail.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Test traps on single, and multiple mob scenarios.
slicplaya commented 2 years ago


slicplaya commented 2 years ago

It seems to have only happened on these specific mob types so far.

PotemkinBuster commented 2 years ago

I am experiencing this same issue on undead mobs in Scourgeholm, and carrion fleshripper and forgotten depths acolyte in Valley of Echoes. Traps works normally on other undeads and vrykuls in Icecrown.

slicplaya commented 2 years ago

Can also add Mature Lashers from Wintergrasp on the list of snake and all forms of ice traps just not working and poofing.