Hello Citizen of Dalaran,
Thank you for reporting and contribute to make Dalaran-WoW a better place!
Some quick information about using the Bugtracker:
The issuetracker is for server-side and game mechanic issues only. If you have any trouble with your character, account or similar, please write an Ingame-issue and the Gamemasters will then help you as soon as possible.
Your issue will be reviewed by testers and the developers will fix it in the future.
You can increase the relevance of your issue by adding a thumb-up emote http://i.imgur.com/RFouVVi.png
Please Clear your cache ("WDB") folder of your game client before reporting any issue.
Please use the issuetemplate below to report a new issue.
In order to open a new issue, click on "New Issue".
Stay tuned and follow us on the bugtracker. Then you will see the newest updates and fixes.
You can report an issue here: * https://github.com/dalaranwow/issue-tracker/issues/new