dale3h / hue-mqtt-bridge

MQTT bridge for Philips Hue Dimmer and Hue Tap
MIT License
51 stars 6 forks source link

Philips Hue Sensor MQTT Bridge

This should be compatible with multiple Hue bridges, but it has only been tested with one. Also, this has only been tested with Hue Dimmer.

I have noticed the best performance when running the polling interval at 500ms.

If you have any issues, please post them on GitHub.


  "broker": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "username": "XXXXXXXX",
    "password": "XXXXXXXX"
  "bridges": [
      "host": "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX",
      "username": "XXXXXXXX",
      "interval": 1000,
      "prefix": "hue"


A huge thank you goes out to @LaurensBot for writing this guide.

The instructions are based on the Raspberry Pi and assume that you already have the following installed:

  1. Create a parent folder for hue-mqtt-bridge:

    mkdir /home/pi/node
    cd /home/pi/node
  2. Clone the git repository:

    git clone git://github.com/dale3h/hue-mqtt-bridge.git
    cd hue-mqtt-bridge
  3. Install dependencies (do not run as root):

    npm install
  4. Create the config file and edit it to your liking:

    cp config.sample.json config.json
    nano config.json

    You can find the username in the Home Assistant directory in a file named phue.conf. It is the long string of random characters.

  5. Make hue-mqtt-bridge start at boot:

    sudo npm install -g pm2
    pm2 startup systemd

    This will give you a command that includes sudo -- run that command.

  6. Time to run hue-mqtt-bridge:


    If no errors are shown, all should be working.

  7. If no errors are shown stop (Ctrl+C) the process and run:

    pm2 start index.js --name hue-mqtt-bridge
    pm2 save
  8. The topics in MQTT start with hue by default, so to see the output run:

    mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 1883 -u YOUR_MQTT_USERNAME -P YOUR_MQTT_PASSWORD -v -t '#'

    Click a button on your Hue Dimmer or Hue Tap, or trigger your Hue Motion.

  9. Add it to Home Assistant

    Running the above command showed the following output when pressing a button:

    hue/hue_tap_tap1/buttonevent 34

    The topic will be different so adjust the trigger below with your topic:

    - alias: hue_tap_button_1
        - platform: mqtt
          topic: hue/hue_tap_tap1/buttonevent
          payload: '34'
        - service: homeassistant.turn_on
          entity_id: script.todosomething