dale5872 / WheelyGoodBikesManagementApp

3rd Year Group Project - creating a new bike-sharing system from scratch.
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This is the third year project undertaken by 3rd year undergraduates at Heriot-Watt University. The specification was to design and implement a bike sharing system from scratch, incorporating user functionality and back-end services for managers and operators. This repository covers the back-end services. Our solution to this specification is called Wheely Good Bikes.


This application is written in Java using JDK 11 and the OpenJFX framework to help create the user interface. We then use a PHP intermediate layer to communicate with the database that houses all of the data. This repository can be found here https://github.com/dale5872/WheelyGoodBikesDatabaseInterface.

The application is split into two main sections, the 'Manager View' and the 'Operator View' to align with the requirements in the specification. Both views align with different employee roles within the company. A preview of each view can be found below.

Manager View

Manager View

Operator View

Operator Penalties View *design still under development

Manger Features

Each manager oversees one area (one area can have more than one manager) and can view data based on their location.

Operator Features

Each operator oversees the running of the entire system, ensuring bikes are maintained and available to users. Operators also oversee adding of new locations and moving of equipment when needed. Finally, operators can suspend user(s) for multiple breaches of the terms and conditions of the system.


This project is due to be demoed to invited industry guests at the university on 18 March 2019, thus the development is expected to have finished on this project by this date.