dalek-cryptography / dalek.rs

Source code for https://dalek.rs
8 stars 3 forks source link


This is the source code for (most of) the https://dalek.rs website. The portions on https://doc.dalek.rs and https://doc-internal.dalek.rs are generated (mostly) with rustdoc (and then sometimes edited manually).


Caveat emptor: If you are a professional web developer, you are going to absolutely detest the code in this repo. Imagine a website designed by someone who literally twiddles bits for a living, and then imagine that they used nearly no tools to create it, other than emacs and a terminal. That's what this site is. It is so vomit-inducingly horrendous that your eyes may fall out when you look at the (hand-written) HTML. There's inline CSS. This site was created with an incredibly outdated version (v2.3) of Bootstrap, because that's the only version of Bootstrap where I could get the BOOTSTRA.386 theme to work. If you look at this code, and your eyes fall out, the authors are not liable for the hospital bills to put them back in. Consider yourself warned.