daler / pybedtools

Python wrapper -- and more -- for BEDTools (bioinformatics tools for "genome arithmetic")
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The BEDTools suite of programs <http://bedtools.readthedocs.org/>_ is widely used for genomic interval manipulation or "genome algebra". pybedtools wraps and extends BEDTools and offers feature-level manipulations from within Python.

See full online documentation, including installation instructions, at http://daler.github.io/pybedtools/.

Why pybedtools?

Here is an example to get the names of genes that are <5 kb away from intergenic SNPs:

.. code-block:: python

from pybedtools import BedTool

snps = BedTool('snps.bed.gz')  # [1]
genes = BedTool('hg19.gff')    # [1]

intergenic_snps = snps.subtract(genes)                       # [2]
nearby = genes.closest(intergenic_snps, d=True, stream=True) # [2, 3]

for gene in nearby:             # [4]
    if int(gene[-1]) < 5000:    # [4]
        print gene.name         # [4]

Useful features shown here include:

In contrast, here is the same analysis using shell scripting. Note that this requires knowledge in Perl, bash, and awk. The run time is identical to the pybedtools version above:

.. code-block:: bash


snp_fields=`zcat $snps | awk '(NR == 2){print NF; exit;}'`
distance_field=$(($gene_fields + $snp_fields + 1))

intersectBed -a $snps -b $genes -v > $intergenic_snps

closestBed -a $genes -b $intergenic_snps -d \
| awk '($'$distance_field' < 5000){print $9;}' \
| perl -ne 'm/[ID|Name|gene_id]=(.*?);/; print "$1\n"'

rm $intergenic_snps

See the Shell script comparison <http://daler.github.io/pybedtools/sh-comparison.html>_ in the docs for more details on this comparison, or keep reading the full documentation at http://daler.github.io/pybedtools.