dalethestirling / budgie

A pythonic remote control of servers via ssh
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A pythonic remote control of servers via ssh


Install the library

    virtualenv venv && . venv/bin/activate  # optional
    pip install budgie

You need to configure passwordless SSH for your remote hosts:

    ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -N 'your_password_here' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    ssh-copy-id localhost # Repeat this for each host
    eval `ssh-agent`
    ssh localhost pwd # test connection

Next, create an SSH config file in ~/.ssh/config describing your hosts:

    Host localhost
        User user
        HostName localhost
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa.key

    Host osx
        User user
        HostName steve-mac
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa.key

    Host projects
        User user
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/projects.key

    Host prod
        User produser
        HostName prod.example.com
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/deploy.key


Now you can run remote commands using simple python code

    from budgie import localhost
    print localhost.hostname(), localhost.uptime()

You can also callhosts ing this alternate method if the magic above is to much

    import budgie
    print budgie.ssh('localhost'), budgie.ssh('localhost').uptime()

Passing in SSH Options

budgie will allow the passing in of SSH options. At this time this is done through the bake method in the same way you would pass this into the sh.ssh()

    budgie.localhost.bake('-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-o',  'StrictHostKeyChecking=no').whoami()


    budgie.ssh().bake('-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-o',  'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', '').whoami()

This does need to be cleaned up to make more logical sense.

Using Sudo

Just as in sh sudo is just treated as another budgie command.

So executing a remote command is as simple as:


You will need to ensure that sudo is either allowing the remote user you connect with to exec the command via /etc/sudoers

Budgie Host Groups

budgie offers the ability to bundle ssh hosts for batch command execution. This is done through creating a host group. A host group will take in a list of host names or budgie.ssh instances.

    web_servers = budgie.HostGroup()

    webservers.add(['www1.example.com', 'www2.example.com'])

    www1 = budgie.ssh('www1.example.com')
    www2 = budgie.ssh('www2.example.com')
    webservers.add([www1, www2])


    web_servers.HostGroup(['www1.example.com', 'www2.example.com'])

    www1 = budgie.ssh('www1.example.com')
    www2 = budgie.ssh('www2.example.com')
    web_servers.HostGroup([www1, www2])

Once a budgie.HostGroup() is created it can be intereacted with like a standard dictionary.

Commands can be executed against the host group and results of execution will be supplied back as a dictionary

    result = web_servers.whoami()

Result would contain

    {'www1': 'www1.example.com', 'www2': 'www2.example.com'}

Running Tests

tests.py can be called via the commandlime and is run on each commit through Travis CIq

Tests can be called by running

    python tests.py

This is the current test suite being applied to builds Import Test Direct Call Goes to Exception Test Command Execution (whoami) Test HostGroup Creation HostGroup Manipulation (add, remove) HostGroup Command Execution (whoami) Test

Command execution test uses SSH options that allow for the automatic generation of SSH keypairs and discarding them from known hosts at the conclusion of the connection.