DALi requires a compiler supporting C++17 features.
To build the repository enter the 'build/tizen' folder:
$ cd dali-toolkit/build/tizen
Then run the following command to set up the build:
If a Debug build is required, then add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
To build run:
$ make install -j8
See the README.md in dali-toolkit/automated-tests.
$ gbs build -A [TARGET_ARCH]
$ gbs build -A [TARGET_ARCH] --define "%enable_dali_smack_rules 1"
$ gbs build -A [TARGET_ARCH] --define "%enable_debug 1"
Third party dependencies are built using vcpkg. Instructions on how to install vcpkg can be found in the vcpkg-script folder in the windows-dependencies repository.
Download the windows-dependencies repository from DaliHub
$ git clone https://github.com/dalihub/windows-dependencies.git
Read the windows-dependencies/vcpkg-script/Readme.md file for more instructions on how to build and install the third-party dependencies.
Read the windows-dependencies/README.md file for more instructions on how to build and run DALi for MS Windows.
Requirements It's required the version 3.12.2 of CMake and a Git Bash Shell.
Notes and troubleshoting: It should be possible to use the MS Visual studio Developer Command Prompt (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/tools/developer-command-prompt-for-vs) to build DALi from the command line. However, the CMake version installed with MS Visual Studio 2017 is a bit out of date and some VCPKG modules require a higher version. This instructions have been tested with CMake 3.12.2 on a Git Bash shell.
Define an environment variable to set the path to the VCPKG folder
$ export VCPKG_FOLDER=C:/Users/username/Workspace/VCPKG_TOOL
Define an environment variable to set the path where DALi is going to be installed.
$ export DALI_ENV_FOLDER=C:/Users/username/Workspace/dali-env
Execute the following commands to create the makefiles, build and install DALi.
It is assumed that the DALi environment has been set up & both DALi Core & Adaptor have been built accordingly.
To build the repository enter the 'build/tizen' folder:
% cd dali-toolkit/build/tizen
Then run the following command to set up the build:
If a Debug build is required, then add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DENABLE_DEBUG=ON
To build, run:
% make install -j8
For information about the DALi Scene3D library, refer to dali-scene3d/README.md.