daluu / phrrs

PHP remote library server for Robot Framework
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phrrs - PHp Robot Remote Server (can be pronounced "friss" or "furs"?)

About this project

PHP generic remote library server for Robot Framework.

This project offers a generic remote server for Robot Framework, implemented in PHP, for use in creating remote libraries. It can alternatively be used for other purposes outside of Robot Framework.

NOTE: the current master branch is a total redesign, thanks to PR #10. For those looking for the legacy/original version, you can find it under the first-poc branch.

This remote server uses the PHP XML-RPC server from http://phpxmlrpc.sourceforge.net. Using composer will automatically install it as a dependency.

This remote server is stand-alone and is completely independent from Apache; it is run via PHP CLI.


You need PHP CLI to run PHP code from the command-line, and PHP composer to install the project.

To install PHP CLI under Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install php5-cli

To install composer, follow the instructions given here: https://getcomposer.org/download/

Or, maybe more simple, directly download the composer.phar PHP executable and use it without any installation:

wget https://getcomposer.org/composer.phar

Requirements to run the test suite

Finally, the test suite contains some end-to-end tests that uses pybot, Robot Framework's test case runner. So you'll need pybot installed and available in the PATH for these tests to run. This may sound like an obvious requirement since you are certainly looking for PHRRS in order to run Robot Framework test cases, but maybe you will use jybot instead of pybot, or maybe your pybot executable will not be globally installed and available in the PATH. You can check that pybot is available with the following command

pybot --version

Installation and running as a composer dependency

You can use composer to get this project as a dependency which will install into the vendor directory. This is the way to go if you are already using composer and that your goal is to actually use the Robot Framework remote server, not to debug it or to play around with the protocol.


Add the project as a dependency to your composer project and then perform the usual composer install.

If you have composer installed:

composer require jplambert/phrrs
composer install

Or if you have simply downloaded composer.phar:

php composer.phar require jplambert/phrrs
php composer.phar install

Running the remote server

The remote server start command is accessible from the handy vendor/bin directory:

vendor/bin/php-robot-remote-server <path-to-the-keywords-implementation-root-directory> <port-on-which-the-server-shall-listen-to>

Until you find some bug into the remote server, this should be all you need to know! :-)

Installation and running as a stand-alone project

You can also use the project by itself. Especially useful if you want to debug it, run its test suite, or play around with the Robot Framework remote and XML-RPC protocols.


Retrieve the project from GitHub and then simply perform a composer install. That should take care of everything.

If you have composer installed:

composer install

Or if you have simply downloaded composer.phar:

php composer.phar install

Running the test suite

A comprehensive test suite is provided with this project, using PhpUnit. There is even some tests that start in parallel the full remote server and Robot Framework tests with pybot to check the behavior from an end-to-end perspective. If you need to experiment I'd recommend playing around with the test suites.

Run the tests to check that nothing is broken and that the installation went fine:

vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit tests/

Running the remote server

The remote server is started using PHP CLI and runs indepently of Apache:

php src/StartRobotRemoteServer.php <path-to-the-keywords-implementation-root-directory> <port-on-which-the-server-shall-listen-to>

Experimenting with the protocol

Extra! If you want to play around with the XML-RPC protocol, you can run some 'demo' instance of the remote server code that will print out what is received and sent back by the server: (just modify the content of DemoRobotRemoteServer.php to add more XML messages)

php src/DemoRobotRemoteServer.php <path-to-the-keywords-implementation-root-directory>

Things to know about this implementation of the Robot Framework remote protocol

Keyword definition and execution

You can define keyword implementations in as much files as you like. Rules:

About the execution:

Stopping the server programmatically

stop_remote_server is implemented and available as a keyword.

Data: Robot Framework vs. PHP


Logging in the keyword implementations

Need help?

You can post inquiries to Robot Framework Users Google Group as I am a member of that group and periodically check it. If there is enough inquiry activity, I may start a Google Group, etc. for it. You may also file GitHub issues to the project for me to look into as well.