damian0604 / newsevents

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Damian Trilling & Marieke van Hoof

This repo accompanies the following article:

Damian Trilling & Marieke van Hoof (2020) Between Article and Topic: News Events as Level of Analysis and Their Computational Identification, Digital Journalism, DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2020.1839352

Unpacking the data and creating working files

unzip raw-private-encrypted.zip will create the folder raw-private, which contains all necessary data to run the jupyter notebooks. It is a password-protected file.

Then, run src/data-processing/030-pkl2net.py in order to create the folder data/intermediate with the necessaty .net files.

Steps to fully run the analysis

On a dedicated VM (inca.interact-uva.surf-hosted.nl), we calculate the softcosine similarity using the following script: src/data-processing/softcosine_newsevents.py

This produces the data in data/raw-private

Folder structure and files

All files/folders in bold are archived publicly.

Required top-level files:

Optional/recommended top-level files: