DBus Wayfire plugin
Authors: Damian Ivanov
Contributors: https://github.com/damianatorrpm/wayfire-plugin_dbus_interface/graphs/contributors
meson build && ninja -C build && sudo meson install -C build
and dbus_interface
in your wayfire.iniIf one of the plugins isn't loaded (check wayfire's debug output), make sure the plugin was installed to the correct path.
To continuously monitor for signals
gdbus monitor --session --dest org.wayland.compositor --object-path /org/wayland/compositor"
To query taskamanager relevant windows
gdbus call --session --dest org.wayland.compositor --object-path /org/wayland/compositor --method org.wayland.compositor.query_view_vector_taskman_ids
To fullscreen a window (query the id you want from the properties)
gdbus call --session --dest org.wayland.compositor --object-path /org/wayland/compositor --method org.wayland.compositor.fullscreen_view $id 1
To restore previous state from fullscreen
gdbus call --session --dest org.wayland.compositor --object-path /org/wayland/compositor --method org.wayland.compositor.fullscreen_view $id 0