damianh / LimitsMiddleware

OWIN middleware to apply limits to an OWIN pipeline.
MIT License
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Limits Middleware

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OWIN middleware to apply limits to an OWIN pipeline:


There are two nuget packages. The main one is pure owin and this has no dependencies.

install-package LimitsMiddleware

The second package provides integration with IAppBuilder, which is deprecated but provided here for legacy and compatability reasons.

install-package LimitsMiddleware.OwinAppBuilder

An asp.net vNext builder integration package will be forthcoming.


Configuration values can be supplied as constants or with a delegate. The latter allows you to change the values at runtime. Use which ever you see fit. This code assumes you have installed 'LimitsMiddleware.OwinAppBuilder'

public class Startup
    public void Configuration(IAppBuilder builder)
        //static settings
            .MaxBandwidth(10000) //bps
            .MaxQueryStringLength(15) //Unescaped QueryString

        //dynamic settings
            .MaxBandwidth(() => 10000) //bps
            .MaxConcurrentRequests(() => 10)
            .ConnectionTimeout(() => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))
            .MaxQueryStringLength(() => 15)
            .MaxRequestContentLength(() => 15)
            .MaxUrlLength(() => 20)

Questions or suggestions? Create an issue or [@randompunter] on twitter.


Bugs? Create an issue. Questions @randompunter or OWIN room on Jabbr