damn / moon

RPG Maker & Engine
MIT License
387 stars 13 forks source link


Based on clojure & libgdx.

Featuring a property editor for creatures, skills, items, effects, modifiers, and audiovisuals..




Ingame Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 12 08 30 PM
Editor reddragoneditor


Levels can be created with tiled or procedurally or mixed with the use of modules. There is one example world for each approach.

Screenshot Screenshot 2024-10-07 at 6 22 54 PM

How to start

You need to have leiningen installed.

Dev-loop contains: * NREPL-Server * On application close (ESC in the main menu), clojure.tools.namespace will do refresh on any changed files and restart the app. * On any error the JVM does not have to be restarted, you can fix the error and call `gdx.dev/restart!` * I have bound it on my VIM to F5 with: `nmap :Eval (do (in-ns 'gdx.dev)(restart!))`

API Docs
