danaj / Math-Prime-Util

Perl (XS) module implementing prime number utilities, including sieves
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Math::Prime::Util version 0.73

A module for number theory in Perl. This includes prime sieving, primality tests, primality proofs, integer factoring, counts / bounds / approximations for primes, nth primes, and twin primes, random prime generation, and much more.

The default sieving and factoring are intended to be the fastest on CPAN. Current measurements show it is faster than: Math::Prime::XS Math::Prime::FastSieve Math::Factor::XS Math::Big Math::Big::Factors Math::Factoring Math::Primality Math::Prime::TiedArray Crypt::Primes Math::ModInt::ChineseRemainder For non-bignums, it is typically faster than Math::Pari (and doesn't require Pari to be installed). With Math::Prime::Util::GMP installed it is usually faster than Math::Pari for bigints.


use Math::Prime::Util qw/primes/;

Get a big array reference of many primes

my $aref = primes( 100_000_000 );

All the primes between 5k and 10k inclusive in a regular array

my @primes = @{ primes( 5_000, 10_000 ) };

See the POD module documentation for examples and more information on all the methods included.


To install this module type the following:

perl Makefile.PL make make test make install

You will need a C compiler compatible with the compiler used to build Perl. Since the routines are meant to be used from Perl, the data types will match the ones used with the Perl you are installing for. This means a 32-bit Perl running on a 64-bit machine will result in a 32-bit library.


Perl 5.6.2 or later (5.8 or later is preferred).

Bytes::Random::Secure::Tiny 1.002 or later.


Copyright (C) 2011-2021 by Dana Jacobsen dana@acm.org

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.