danaszapiro / EC500

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Twitter APIs exrcise using Python

APIs and libraries used:


install the latest version of each one of the APIs 1) update python to the python3.6 version 2) pip3 install tweepy 3) brew install ffmpeg 4) pip3 install --upgrade google-cloud-vision 5) To set up the authentication credential for google cloud follow intructions on the following link: https://cloud.google.com/vision/docs/reference/libraries 3) clone git repository


1) place Twitter username to be scanned in main function 2) Replace twitter API credentials with actual tokens 4) create a folder named "output" 3) run the ./tweetAPIexercise.py file on terminal 4) all pictures will be downloaded into the output folder 6) an output file will be generate containing labels for each one of the images 5) A video file called out.mp4 will be created out of the images