dancol90 / ESP8266Ping

Ping library for ESP8266 Arduino core
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
261 stars 134 forks source link


Let the ESP8266 ping a remote machine.

With this library an ESP8266 can ping a remote machine and know if it's reachable. It provide some basic measurements on ping messages (avg response time).


First, include the library in your sketch along with WiFi library:

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266Ping.h>

Next, simply call the Ping.ping() function

IPAddress ip (192, 168, 0, 1); // The remote ip to ping
bool ret = Ping.ping(ip);

ret will be true if the remote responded to pings, false if not reachable. The library supports hostname too, just pass a string instead of the ip address:

bool ret = Ping.ping("www.google.com");

Additionally, the function accept a second integer parameter count that specify how many pings has to be sent:

bool ret = Ping.ping(ip_or_host, 10);

After Ping.ping() has been called, the average response time (in milliseconds) can be retrieved with

int avg_time_ms = Ping.averageTime();