dancrew32 / marcel

The PHP 5.4 MVC with Shoes On: ActiveRecord, User/Session, Generators, SCSS, (Twitter Bootstrap) Integration, Workers, Cron Management, Image Manipulation, Caching, Git Management, Mail & Mail Parsing, OCR, Scraping, Selenium, Mustache, Markdown, Phone & Text Messaging, WebSockets, BitTorrent and much more!
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The MVC with Shoes On


Contents stable

Contents unstable

Contents future


I only have PHP 5.3

C'mon! Upgrading is easy:

sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php5
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
# To update APC (if you use that instead of x-cache)
# sudo pecl install apc


Clone and run the db init wizard:

git clone git@github.com:dancrew32/marcel.git site
cd site
git submodule update
php script/db_init.php
chmod 777 -R tmp .git
chmod 777 marcel vendor .gitmodules
cat config/api.php.example > config/api.php 

After install, it will prompt you to seed the database with defaults and create your first user. You should also set your public/index.php and BASE_URL.

VirtualHost Setup

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName site.com
    DocumentRoot /var/www/site/public
    SetEnv ENV "DEV" # or "LIVE"

# SSL Version
<VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerName site.com
    DocumentRoot /var/www/site/public
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile /path/to/your.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/your.key


Marcel has a ton of scripts available to automate development.

Just run ./m <sitename> (so maybe ./m marcel for site/marcel) from the root directory to get a menu of scripts to run!

When you're comfortable with the list of scripts you have, use the search shortcut to immediately run that script ./m <site> <search> (so maybe ./m <site> dbdump to run php site/<site>/script/db_dump.php).

Every script is an easy to use interactive wizard:

Wizards & Scripts

Wizard Script Description
php site/marcel/script/gen_controller.php Controller
php site/marcel/script/gen_model.php Model
php site/marcel/script/gen_view.php View
php site/marcel/script/gen_js_class.php JavaScript Module
php site/marcel/script/gen_script.php Script/Cron
php site/marcel/script/db_init.php DB initialization (see Install)
php site/marcel/script/db_create_mysql_user.php Create a new MySQL user with permissions to only this DB_NAME
php site/marcel/script/db_dump.php DB dump in db/dump
php site/marcel/script/db_restore.php DB restore from db/dump
php site/marcel/script/db_schema_apply.php DB apply a schema in from db/schema
php site/marcel/script/db_schema_update.php DB update all schemas in from db/schema
php site/marcel/script/create_user.php Create Users (e.g. Create your first User with role of admin)
php site/marcel/script/cron.base.php Run each Cron_Job if Cron_Job->frequency matches time() and is active
php site/marcel/script/scss_watch.php Run compass watch as daemon to watch SCSS
php site/marcel/script/worker.php Start a Worker server
php site/marcel/script/vim.php Start an Interactive Vim eval session
php site/marcel/script/fake_users.php Create 250 fake Users with role of user


In routes.php, we send url $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] preg_matches to a specified method in a controller.

By default, routing is simple, but you may increase the complexity if you would like HTTP method granularity and/or auth class permissions handled at the router (instead of the controller).

You may capture parameters using regular expressions with named subpatterns e.g. '/(?P<word>\w+)/(?P<digit>\d+)' would match /blogs/2.

Take a look at class/route.php to see all of the possibilities.

Route Keys

Key Description
c Controller required
m Method required
l Layout (foo would be view/layout/foo.php)
auth Authorization Feature->slug via class/auth.php to gate access with
name Unique name for this route (see route::get($name, $params) useful when URL paths change)
section Name for grouping routes together (e.g. Portfolio) (see `route::in_sections(['A', 'B']))
http for nested REST routing (e.g. get, post, put, delete)
nodb if true, skip any database connections for this execution

Example Route Implementation

route::$routes = [

    # Site base url leads to controller_yours::foo
    '/' => ['c' => 'yours', 'm' => 'foo'],

    # Capture page id, name capture "id" with (?P<capturename>regexp) syntax
    '/page/(?P<id>\d+)' => ['c' => 'yours', 'm' => 'test'],

    # HTTP method-specific (Optional)
    '/http' => [
        'http' => [
            'get'    => [ 'c' => 'http_test', 'm' => 'get' ],
            'post'   => [ 'c' => 'http_test', 'm' => 'post' ],
            'put'    => [ 'c' => 'http_test', 'm' => 'put' ],
            'delete' => [ 'c' => 'http_test', 'm' => 'delete' ],

    # Skip Database (`nodb` avoids database & user session initialization)
    '/i' => [ 'c' => 'image', 'm' => 'process', 'nodb' => true, 'name' => "Image Process" ],

    # Auth (optional)
    '/auth-test-simple' => [ 
        'c' => 'common', 'm' => 'auth_test',
        'auth' => ['feature_name'], # only users who can do "feature_name"
    '/auth-test-complex' => [ 
        'http' => [
            'get' => [
                'c' => 'common', 'm' => 'auth_test',
                'auth' => ['thing_a'], # only "thing_a" feature-allowed users may GET
            'post' => [
                'c' => 'common', 'm' => 'auth_test',
                'auth' => ['thing_b'], # only "thing_b" feature-allowed users may POST
        'auth' => ['thing_c'], # "thing_c" may GET and POST

    # Named-Routes & Sections (optional)
    '/changes-frequently' =>
        [ 'c' => 'thing' => 'm' => 'index', 'name' => 'Things Home', 'section' => 'Things' ],
        # route::get('Things Home') 
        #   returns '/changes-frequently'

    '/changes-as-well(?:/*)(?P<url_slug>\d+)' =>
        [ 'c' => 'thing' => 'm' => 'secondary', 'name' => 'Things Secondary', 'section' => 'Things' ],
        # route::get('Things Secondary', ['url_slug' => 'true-story']) 
        #   returns '/changes-as-well/true-story'
        # route::get('Things Secondary', ['url_slug' => 'true-story', 'foo' => 'bar']) 
        #   returns '/changes-as-well/true-story?foo=bar'


Models (M)

Uses PHPActiveRecord (see Basic CRUD to learn more). Get started with a new Model using the php script/gen_model.php Script.

Simple Model Example

class Thing extends model {
    static $table_name = 'things';

# Create: http://www.phpactiverecord.org/projects/main/wiki/Basic_CRUD#create
$t = new Thing;
$t->stuff = "raisin";

# Read: http://www.phpactiverecord.org/projects/main/wiki/Finders
$b = Thing::find(1);
echo $b->stuff; # "raisin"

# Update: http://www.phpactiverecord.org/projects/main/wiki/Basic_CRUD#update
$b->stuff = "dorito";

# Destroy: http://www.phpactiverecord.org/projects/main/wiki/Basic_CRUD#delete

Complex Model Example

class Stuff extends model {
    static $table_name = 'stuff';

 * Read More: http://www.phpactiverecord.org/projects/main/wiki/Associations

    # `thing_id` in `stuff_types` table: $stuff->type (Stuff_Type object)
    static $has_one = [
        [ 'type', 'class_name' => 'Stuff_Type' ], 

    # `thing_id` in `owners` table: $stuff->owners (collection of Owner objects)
    static $has_many = [
        [ 'owners', 'class_name' => 'Owner' ], 

    # `thing_id` in `stuff` table: $stuff->thing (Thing object)
    static $belongs_to = [
        [ 'thing', 'class_name' => 'Thing' ],

 * Read More: http://www.phpactiverecord.org/projects/main/wiki/Validations
    # Existence
    static $validates_presence_of = [
            'message' => 'must be present!'], # "Name must be present!"

    # Length
    static $validates_size_of = [
        # Exact
            'is'      => 42, 
            'message' => 'must be exactly 42 chars'], # "Field_a must be exactly 42 chars"

        # Minimum
            'minimum'   => 9, 
            'too_short' => 'must be at least 9 characters long'],

        # Maximum
            'maximum'  => 20, 
            'too_long' => 'is too long!'],

        # Min/Max
            'within'    => [5, 10],
            'too_short' => 'must be longer than 5 (less than 10)',
            'too_long'  => 'must be less than 10 (greater than 5 though)!'

    # Includes
    static $validates_inclusion_of = [
            'in' => ['list', 'of', 'allowed', 'categories'], ], # "list is not included in the categories"

    # Exclude
    static $validates_exclusion_of = [
            'in'      => ['list', 'of', 'bad', 'passwords'],
            'message' => 'is weak'], # "Password is weak"

    # Numbers
    static $validates_numericality_of = [
        ['price',    'greater_than' => 0.01], # Things must be > a penny
        ['quantity', 'only_integer' => true], # Prevent ordering 4.199 shoes.
        ['shipping', 'greater_than_or_equal_to' => 0], # No negative shipping
            'less_than_or_equal_to'    => 5, 
            'greater_than_or_equal_to' => 0],

    # Unique
    static $validates_uniqueness_of = [
            'message' => 'Sorry that email is taken'],

    # Regular Expression
    static $validates_format_of = [
        ['email', 'with' =>
        ['password', 'with' =>
            'message' => 'is too weak'],

 * Read More: http://www.phpactiverecord.org/projects/main/wiki/Callbacks
 * all take array of instance method names
    static $before_save = ['before_save'];     # called before a model is saved
    static $before_create = [];                # called before a NEW model is to be inserted into the database
    static $before_update = [];                # called before an existing model has been saved
    static $before_validation = [];            # called before running validators
    static $before_validation_on_create = [];  # called before validation on a NEW model being inserted
    static $before_validation_on_update = [];  # same as above except for an existing model being saved
    static $before_destroy = [];               # called after a model has been deleted
    static $after_save = [];                   # called after a model is saved
    static $after_create = [];                 # called after a NEW model has been inserted into the database
    static $after_update = [];                 # called after an existing model has been saved
    static $after_validation = [];             # called after running validators
    static $after_validation_on_create = [];   # called after validation on a NEW model being inserted
    static $after_validation_on_update = [];   # same as above except for an existing model being saved
    static $after_destroy = ['after_destroy']; # called after a model has been deleted

    function before_save() {
        $this->saved++; # increment a saved column

    function after_destroy() {
        $thing = Thing::find($this->thing_id); # find some related thing
        $thing->destroy(); # destroy it

 * Read More: http://www.phpactiverecord.org/projects/main/wiki/Utilities#attribute-getters
 * Make sure to use $this->read_attribute($name)
    function &__get($name) { # observe pass-by-reference
        switch ($name) {
                $out = h($this->read_attribute($name));
        return $out;

 * Read More: http://www.phpactiverecord.org/projects/main/wiki/Utilities#attribute-setters
 * Make sure to use $this->assign_attribute($name, $value);
    function __set($name, $value) {
        switch ($name) {
            case 'special_column':
                $value = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $value); # strip non-numeric
        return $this->assign_attribute($name, $value);


Controllers (C)

Get started with a new Controller using the php script/gen_controller.php Script.

class controller_yours extends controller_base {
    function foo($o) {
        $not_in_view = "I'm not available to the view"; 
        $this->in_view = "I'm available to the view";

    function bar($o) {
        $this->other_stuff = "Stuff";   

    function test($o) {
        # Obtain captured page "id" from Routes example
        $page_id = take($o, 'id', 1);   

Views (V)

Everything you declare in your controller with $this->... is available in your view. Based on our example controller above, these would be some example views:

Get started with a new View using the php script/gen_view.php Script.

# views/yours.foo.php
    <?= $in_view ?>
# views/yours.bar.php
    <?= $other_stuff ?>


You can subrender bar in foo using r(controller, view)

# views/yours.foo.php
    <?= $in_view ?>
    <?= r('yours', 'bar') ?>


    I'm available to the view

You may skip the rendering of any view by calling $this->skip() in the view's controller method.

class controller_yours extends controller_base {
    function my_view($o) {
        $required_id = take($o, 'id', false);
        if (!$required_id) 
            return $this->skip(); # skips rendering views/yours.my_view.php

        # ... rest of method ...    


You may render Mustache templates using Mustache PHP by creating a file in the view directory with the the naming convention of: controller.method.mustache.

Mustache Example

For controller/mustachetest.php:

class controller_mustachetest extends controller_base {
    function template() {
        $this->test = date('H:m:s');
        $users = User::all();
        $this->user = [];
        foreach ($users as $u)
            $this->user[] = [
                'first' => $u->first,
                'last'  => $u->last,
        if (AJAX)

Create view/mustachetest.template.mustache:

    Users are:

Render mustachetest.template:

<?= r('mustachetest', 'template') ?>

Output looks like

    Users are:
<script id="mustachetest-template" type="text/mustache">
    Users are:

Now, using Hogan.js you can take the provided template from the <script> tag and use it to render client-side. You'll only have to serve JSON now!

var template = Hogan.compile($('#mustachetest-template').html());
$.getJSON('/mustache/template', function(json) {
    var html = template.render(json);


Using Markdown PHP you may render Markdown in your views by naming them controller.method.md.

Markdown Example

This file would be view/markdowntest.main.md:

# Heading 1
## Heading 2


* List 1
* List 2
* List 3

See controller/markdowntest.php and view/markdowntest.main.md for more examples


Assets are loaded per view, in order with duplicates ignored. Here's an example view (view/foo.bar.php) with its own JavaScript in public/js/foo.bar.js and CSS in public/css/foo.bar.css

<? app::asset('foo.bar', 'css') ?>
<? app::asset('foo.bar', 'js') ?>

SCSS (Compass)

Write some SCSS with Compass. Changes in scss directory automatically reflect in public/css when you run:

sudo gem install compass compass_twitter_bootstrap
sudo gem install animation --pre
php site/marcel/script/scss_watch.php

SCSS/Compass Example

// scss/test.scss
#foo {
    a {
        color: blue;
        &:hover {
            color: green;
#foo a {color:blue} #foo a:hover {color:green}


views/layouts/a.php is the default layout. If you want to use an alternative layout, request the "layout name" (l in Routes) in routes.php:

route::$routes = [

    # Uses views/layouts/mylayout.php
    '/section' => ['c' => 'foo', 'm' => 'bar', 'l' => 'mylayout' ],


layouts must contain <?= $yield ?>

Layout rendering is automatically skipped by XHR (AKA AJAX requests to make updating views easier.


Via auth::can() in class/auth.php, using model/Feature.php in comparison with model/User.php's user_type_id, you may gate access to features (which are loosely defined for flexibility) via model/User_Permission.php.

Auth Example

Create a Feature called buy_book, set what users may access buy_book's $feature->id via User_Permission, then test with auth::can(['buy_book']) to allow specific users the ability to buy books.

You may also test in the routes (routes.php) with 'auth' => ['buy_book']

Cookies (and Notes)

Standard API for cookie CRUD and note is available for one-time use.

# Cookies
cookie::set('shoes', 'on', time::ONE_YEAR);
echo cookie::get('shoes'); # "on"

# Notes
note::set('success_message', 'Message Sent');
echo note::get('success_message'); # "Message Sent"
echo note::get('success_message'); # ""

# Notes in $_SESSION
note::set('store_in_db', "I'm in the session", true);
note::get('store_in_db', true); # "I'm in the session"
note::get('store_in_db', true); # ""


Designed to use Memcached on port 11211. Here's a typical get-if-set pattern:

$data = cache::get('cachekey', $found);
if (!$found) {
    $data = getData(); # arbitrary method
    cache::set('cachekey', $data, time::ONE_DAY);
echo $data;

Generating Unique Cache Keys

Using class/cache.php's keygen method, you can safely generate SITE_NAME specific, non-conflicting cache keys for methods. Here is an arbitrary get_user_data function example:

class example {
    static function get_user_data($id) {
        $safe_key = cache::keygen(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, $id);
        $data = cache::get($safe_key, $found, true); # true deserializes (since we're caching an object)
        if (!$found) {
            $data = User::find($id);
            cache::set($safe_key, $data, time::ONE_HOUR, true); # true serializes (since it's an object)

# invoke
$user = example::get_user_data(26);

If SITE_NAME is define('SITE_NAME', 'Marcel'), $safe_key ends up looking like the md5() of 'Marcel::example::get_user_data::26'

Form Fields

Building forms from scratch is tedious. Let's use a twitter bootstrap form builder! Check out class/form.php and class/field.php to learn about all of the form/field features.

Simple Implementation

$form = new form;
$form->open('/login', 'post')
->add('Username', new field('text', [
    'name' => 'username', 
    'placeholder' => 'Username'
->add('Password', new field('password', [
    'name' => 'password', 
    'placeholder' => 'Password'
    new field('submit', ['text' => 'Login'])

echo $form;

Real-World Implementation

In this example, we want an add and an edit form. We'll render them in our view using:

Add a new user:
<?= r('test', 'add_form') ?>

Edit User id:1
<?= r('test', 'edit_form', ['id' => 1]) ?>

Now, this is a very opinionated approach, but it scales fantastically! The form builder prevents you from needing to build forms in your views. This strategy also lets you show your validation, restore previously submitted values after submission and redirection, and keeps fields in the controller so that you can keep track of where you need to conditionally show fields.

Keep an eye out for $model->to_note() and $model->from_note() for saving/restoring values after redirect as well as displaying field errors with $model->error_class('field_name') and $model->take_error('field_name') to display the model's validation message.

class controller_test extends controller_base {

    function __construct($o) {
        $this->root_path = route::get('User Home');
        auth::only(['user']); # only people with `user` user_permission may view

    function add($o) {
        $user = User::create($_POST);
        if ($user) { # success
            note::set('user:add', $user->id); # set note so we can say, "User Created" after redirect
            $this->redir(); # redirect to $this->root_path

        $user->to_note(); # if there were errors, display them and any values passed after reload
        $this->redir(); # redirects to $this->root_path

    function edit($o) {
        $this->user = User::find_by_id(take($o, 'id'));
        if (!$this->user) $this->redir();
        if (!POST) return;

        # Don't change password if it's blank
        if (!isset($_POST['password']{0}))

        # handle default booleans
        $_POST['active'] = take_post('active', 0);

        $ok = $this->user->update_attributes($_POST);
        if ($ok) {
            note::set('user:edit', $this->user->id); # set note so we can say, "User Created" after redirect

        $this->user->to_note(); # if there were errors, display them and any values passed after reload
        app::redir(route::get('User Edit', ['id' => $this->user->id]));

    # no view file
    function add_form() {
        $user = new User;
        $user = $user->from_note(); # extract errors/prevously submitted values

        $this->form = new form;
        $this->form->open(route::get('User Add'), 'post');
        $this->form->add(new field('submit_add'));
        echo $this->form;

    # no view file
    function edit_form($o) {
        $user = take($o, 'user');
        $user = $user->from_note(); # extract errors/prevously submitted values
        if (!$user) $this->redir();

        $this->form = new form;
        $this->form->open(route::get('User Edit', ['id' => $user->id]), 'post');
        $this->form->add(new field('submit_update'));
        echo $this->form;

    # Form Fields!
    private function _build_form($user) {

        # Email 
        $email_group = [ 'label' => 'Email', 'class' => $user->error_class('email') ]; 
        $email_help  = new field('help', [ 'text' => $user->take_error('email') ]);
        $email_field = new field('email', [ 
            'name'         => 'email', 
            'class'        => 'input-block-level email required',
            'autocomplete' => false,
            'value'        => take($user, 'email'),

        # Password
        $password_group = [ 'label' => 'Password', 'class' => $user->error_class('password') ];
        $password_help  = new field('help', [ 'text' => $user->take_error('password') ]);
        $password_field = new field('password', [ 
            'name'         => 'password', 
            'class'        => 'input-block-level',
            'autocomplete' => false,
            # don't set password value for security

        # User Type
        $user_type_group = [ 'label' => 'User Type', 'class' => $user->error_class('user_type_id') ]; 
        $user_type_help  = new field('help', [ 'text' => $user->take_error('user_type_id') ]);
        $user_type_field = new field('select', [ 
            'name'        => 'user_type_id', 
            'class'       => 'input-block-level',
            'options'     => User_Type::options(),
            'value'       => take($user, 'user_type_id') ? $user->user_type_id : User_Type::default_id(),

        # Active
        $active_field = new field('checkbox', [ 
            'name'    => 'active',
            'label'   => 'Activated',
            'inline'  => true,
            'checked' => take($user, 'active'),

        # Build Form
            ->group($email_group, $email_field, $email_help)
            ->group($password_group, $password_field, $password_help)
            ->group($user_type_group, $user_type_field, $user_type_help)



If you want to see everything class/form.php and class/field.php are capable of, check out controller/form_test.php#index and observe other examples found in many of the CRUD-style controllers.

On-The-Fly Image Manipulation (and Caching)

Using a modified version of TimThumb, we can manipulate our images on the fly!

route::$routes = [
    '/i' => ['c' => 'image', 'm' => 'process', 'nodb' => true, 'name' => 'Image Process' ],
    # Note: if you change 'name' from "Image Process"
    # make sure you update image::$process_path

Now any view, use image::get()

# Path render
<?= image::get([
    'src' => '/img/drwho.jpg',
    'w'   => 100,
    'h'   => 100,
]) ?>

# http://site.com/i?src=%2Fimg%2Fdrwho.jpg&q=85&w=100&height=100&sig=ae52cd7c3f8792dcfec01180b37c5ea5

# Tag render
<?= image::get([
    'src' => '/img/drwho.jpg',
    'w'   => 200,
    'h'   => 200,
], true) ?>

# <img src="http://site.com/i?src=%2Fimg%2Fdrwho.jpg&q=85&w=200&h=200&sig=fea0f1f6fede90bd0a925b4194deac11" width="200" height="200" />

This new image will be cached and served from now on! Using nodb => true in the route prevents unnecessary classes from loading (since these images won't need database interaction).

The sig parameter prevents end-users (hackers, specifically) from creating their own resized versions of images (e.g. hacker tries generating 10000 different-sized versions of the same image by updating w parameter to 10000 different values).

image::get Parameters

Key Description
src Source: default '' required
w Width: default null, required
h Height: default null required
q Quality default 85
a Crop Alignment: default null c, t, l, r, b, tl, tr, bl, br chainable
zc Scale & Crop: default null 0 size to fit (ugly), 1 crop resize (default), 2 proportional fit, 3 fill proportional
f Filters: default null 1 invert, 2 grey, 3,<%> Brightness, 4,<%> Contrast, 5,<rgba> Colorize, 6 Edges 7 Emboss 8 Gaussian, 9 Selective Blur, 10 sketch, 11 Smooth
s Sharpen: default null
cc Canvas Hex Color: default null (e.g. '#ffffff')
ct Canvas Transparency: default false (ignores cc)
r Reveilable default 0 if off uses js/class/unveil.js to fade images in as they enter the viewport


In class/util.php, class/html.php, class/size.php, and class/time.php you'll find many convenient methods to use from everything to obtaining time in seconds, human readable byte sizes, string manipulation, debuggers and other shortcuts to use in this system.

Some utilities have shortcuts defined in Helpers.


Shortcuts for utility functions may be defined in class/helpers.php.

Useful Helpers

Helper Description
r($controller, $method, []) Alias for util::render
take($arrOrObj, 'key', 'fallback') Return the value of $arrOrObj by key. If not set, return fallback
echoif($condition, $output) If $condition is true, echo $output
ifset($a, $elseb, $elsec, ...) Return first argument that isset
times(200, 'function_name') Repeat function_name($i) 200 times
h('<script>alert('unsafe')</script>') Alias for htmlentities
pr($mixed) Alias for print_r
pp($mixed) Pretty-Print print_r (wrap with <pre>)
pd($mixed) Pretty-Print that dies after
json($mixed) Safely die() out json_encode data
_403() Redirect to controller/status_code.php#forbidden
_404() Redirect to controller/status_code.php#not_found
_500() Redirect to controller/status_code.php#fatal_error


To register new cron jobs, add entries through model/Cron_Job.php or use the gui for controller/cron_job.php and add this to your system's crontab: (to edit your crontab, sudo crontab -e)

* * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/site/marcel/script/cron.base.php > /dev/null 2>&1

script/cron.base.php will be hit every minute running any scripts that have matching cron frequency entries.


Using the Worker model, you can add long-running processes to a "job queue" using Worker::add. To start a worker server, run php site/marcel/script/worker.php <optional-thread-count>.

Worker Example

example::long_running takes 10 seconds to complete each time it is invoked. If you called example::long_running 10000 times, it would take over almost 28 hours to execute them all. With Worker::add, you can queue them up and execute them in paralell as background processes.

class example {
    static function long_running(array $args) {
        echo take($args, 'foo');

# Spawn 10000, slow running jobs
times(10000, function($i) {
        'class'  => 'example', 
        'method' => 'long_running',
        'args'   => [
            'foo' => $i,


Uses PHPMailer via the class/mail. Check out class/mail.php to see everything you can do.

$m = new mail;
$m->from     = 'you@example.com';
$m->from_name = 'Marcel';
$m->add_address('user@example.com', 'Example User');
$m->subject  = "Queue Test";
$m->body     = "This concludes the test!";

# Add it to the worker queue

# Or just send it

Mail Parsing

Using PHP MIME Mail Parser you may read inbound emails and parse out specific sections of the email like subject, to, cc, body (html or text) and any other headers you might like. Check out class/mail_parse.php to see everything you can do.

Mail Parser Install

sudo pecl install mailparse
sudo apt-get install postfix
sudo echo "\nextension=mailparse.so" >> /etc/php5/cli/php.ini
sudo service apache restart

Mail Parser Setup

Using Postfix will allow you to create [virtual maps](http://www.berkes.ca/guides/postfix_virtual.html] that will let you route wildcard email addresses for specific domain(s) to hit specified aliases in your /etc/aliases.

/etc/postfix/virtual will be a new file. In this example, we route all emails that go to site.com to /etc/aliases alias named site

@site.com site

Then you'll edit /etc/postfix/main.cf adding your site.com domain to the mydestination list and adding the new line

mydestination = site.com, localhost
virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual

Then setup your new /etc/aliases alias of site and pipe the output to a script in Marcel. In this example, we route incoming emails to our script/email_incoming.php

site: "| /usr/bin/php /var/www/site/script/email_incoming.php" 

After saving, the last step is to reload /etc/aliases and restart Postfix.

service postfix reload

Now if you send an email to foo@site.com, the contents of that email will route to script/email_incoming.php via php:://stdin. In this example, $data becomes the raw contents of the email we just sent.

$data = file_get_contents('php://stdin');

Parsing an Email

Now to actually extract the contents of the email, you may leverage mail_parse of class/mail_parse.php. See that class for more info.

$mp = new mail_parse(file_get_contents('php://stdin'));
$to        = $mp->to();        # foo@site.com
$from      = $mp->from();      # you@yourmail.com
$from_name = $mp->from_name(); # Your Name (if exists)
$cc        = $mp->cc();        # if you cc'd people it would show up here 
$subject   = $mp->subject(); 
$body      = $mp->body();

Fake Data

Using Faker via the class/fake.php class, you can generate fake (aka "dummy") data for testing your app.

# Generate 250 fake users
times(250, function() {
    $u = new User;
    $u->first    = fake::firstName(); # Marcel
    $u->last     = fake::lastName(); # Shellington
    $u->email    = fake::safeEmail(); # marcel@example.com
    $u->username = fake::userName(); # dorito_hanglider7
    $u->role     = 'user';
    $u->password = 'testing';


The captcha class allows you to generate captcha images using fonts from the font directory, merged on top of complex background images in the public/img/captcha directory.

class controller_captcha extends controller_base {
    function get() {
        $captcha = captcha::get();
        header('Content-type: image/png');

    function post() {
        $code = take($_POST, 'code');
        $ok = captcha::test($code);
<img src="https://github.com/dancrew32/marcel/raw/master/captcha">

</h2>Solve it</h2>
<form action="/captcha" method="post">
<input name="code" >
<input type="submit" value="solve">


You may use ocr::get($file_path) to perform OCR.

# install this first
sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr

OCR Example

$img = file_get_contents('http://.../some_image.jpg');
echo ocr::get($img); # returns text from image
# or use a different tesseract method
echo ocr::get($img, [ 'method' => ocr::SINGLE_COLUMN_VARIABLE_SIZE ]);

OCR Methods

method Description
ocr::ORIENTATION_SCRIPT_ONLY Orientation and script detection (OSD) only
ocr::AUTO_PAGE_SEG_OSD Automatic page segmentation with OSD
ocr::AUTO_PAGE_SEG_NO_OSD Automatic page segmentation, but no OSD, or OCR
ocr::FULL_AUTO_NO_OSD Fully automatic page segmentation, but no OSD Default
ocr::SINGLE_COLUMN_VARIABLE_SIZE Assume a single column of text of variable sizes
ocr::UNIFORM_BLOCK_VERTICAL Assume a single uniform block of vertically aligned text
ocr::UNIFORM_BLOCK Assume a single uniform block of text
ocr::SINGLE_LINE Treat the image as a single text line
ocr::SINGLE_WORD Treat the image as a single word
ocr::SINGLE_WORD_CIRCLE Treat the image as a single word in a circle
ocr::SINGLE_CHAR Treat the image as a single character


Using PHPSimpleDom via class/dom.php, you can scrape any webpage for data and parse specific sections with jQuery/Sizzle style selectors.

$html = dom::get_html('http://www.danmasq.com');
$images = $html->find('img');
$sources = [];
foreach ($images as $i)
    $sources[] = $i->src;

pr($sources); # array of <img> "src" attribute values

Phone Calls & Text Messaging

Using Twilio, you may place phone calls and send text messages. Once you've set your API credentials and Twilio phone number in config/api.php for twilio, you may use methods in class/phone.php to make calls and send text messages.

See controller/phonetest.php for more examples.

Example Phone Call

class controller_phonetest extends controller_base {

    function call() {
        $phone_number = '555555555';

        # publicly-accessible url where Twilio may parse a TwiML file
        $program_url = route::get_absolute('Twilio Read');

        phone::queue_call($phone_number, $program_url); # or phone::call()

    # This route name would be 'Twilio Read'
    function program() {
        # Only let twilio read this

        # say random text and hang up
        $text = fake::paragraph(rand(2,3)); # random text
        $p = phone::program();
        die($p); # Twilio reads TwiML (XML)


Example Text Message

$phone_number = '5555555555';
$message = "Hi, my name is Marcel!";
phone::queue_text($phone_number, $message); # or phone::text()

Interactive Prompt with PHPSH

Using PHPSH, you may interactively run the framework. Install PHPSH:

cd ~
git clone git@github.com:facebook/phpsh.git
cd phpsh
python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install

Then from the site root directory (ROOT_DIR) run:

phpsh site/marcel/script/inc.php

Vim Interactivity

Marcel loves [Vim](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vim_(text_editor) and knows that interactive prompts can be annoying to use (one line at a time), so we made a way to quickly eval data through a vim session:

To use interactive Vim, php script/vim.php. This will start a new Vim session with tmp/vim-output.php open. In this file, you'll automatically have access to all of the framework classes/variables/etc.

By default (the first time you open it), tmp/vim-output.php looks like this:

echo "Hello, Vim!\n";

When you save and exit (ZZ or :wq) this Vim buffer, the contents of tmp/vim-output.php will be evaluted.

Vim usage example

While in your current Vim session:

  1. :!./m marcel vim to run our script/vim.php
  2. New Vim session opens with tmp/vim-output.php buffer
  3. Write some code: See example code below
  4. Save buffer and exit Vim with ZZ or :wq
  5. Observe output: e.g. something like: admin@example.com
  6. fg to get back into your original Vim session

Example tmp/vim-output.php in step 3 above:

$users = User::find('all', [
    'select' => 'email', 
    'limit'  => 1,

foreach ($users as $u)
    echo "{$user->email}\n";

A usefil ~/.vimrc addition might be:

map <silent> <Leader>x :!./m marcel vim<cr><cr>

So, if your Leader key is , then ,x will launch the Marcel Vim buffer.

WebSocket Server

You may create scripts that run a WebSocket server using class/socket_server.php and class/socket_user.php.

Example Chat Server

In this example, we'll create a chat server called script/chat_server.php where chat_server will extend socket_server. Run it via ./m marcel chat or php script/chat_server.php.


class chat_server extends socket_server {

    protected $maxBufferSize = size::ONE_MB; # could be anything

    # When a user connects
    protected function connected($user) {
        # Match socket_user to actual User
        $session_id = $user->get_session_id();

        # Apply user to socket user

        # Trigger our connect event

    # When a user sends a message
    protected function process($user, $message) {
        $data = json_decode($message);

        switch ($data->event) {
            case 'foo::bar':    
                $this->event_foo_bar($user, $data);

    # When a user closes their connection
    protected function closed($user) {
        # Tell everyone that this user left

        $user->destroy(); # clean up

        # Tell everyone how many users are left
        $data = $this->get_user_total_data($user);
        $this->send_all(json_encode($data)); # sends message to all users

    function event_connect($user) {
        # $user->user is where we store our model/User.php object
        $name = $user->user ? $user->user->full_name() : 'Anonymous';

        $data = [
            'event' => 'foo::bar::response',
            'text'  => "{$name}: Joined the room.",

        # Tell everyone this user joined

        # Tell only this user who is in the room
        $data = $this->get_user_total_data($user);
        $this->send($user, json_encode($data));

    # Tell everyone when someone disconnects
    function event_disconnect($user) {
        $data = [
            'event' => 'foo::bar::response',
            'text' => "{$user->full_name()}: Left the room.",


    # Respond to specific event "foo::bar"
    function event_foo_bar($user, $data) {
        $text = h(trim(take($data, 'text'))); # sanitize

        if (!isset($text{0})) return false; # don't send blank messages

        $data = [
            'event' => 'foo::bar::response',
            'text' => "{$user->full_name()} says: {$text}",

        $this->send_all(json_encode($data), [
            'sender' => $user,
            'sender_message' => json_encode($data),

    # Get socket_user count stats
    function get_user_total_data($user) {
        $user_count = $this->user_count() - 1;

        if ($user_count) {
            $user_list = [];
            foreach ($this->users as $u)
                $user_list[] = $u->full_name();

            $user_list = util::list_english($user_list);

            $user_suffix = $user_count == 1 ? 'person' : 'people';
            $text = "Looks like there's {$user_count} {$user_suffix} here ({$user_list}).";
        } else {
            $text = "Looks like you're the only one here.";

        return [
            'event' => 'foo::bar::response',
            'text'  => $text,

# Connect
function connect() {
    # if you were connecting to ws://site.com:7334
    new chat_server('site.com', '7334'); 

function shutdown() {
    db::init(); # Handle DB failures gracefully

I'll leave the JavaScript up to you, but here is a simple example:

var ws = new WebSocket('ws://site.com:7334');
ws.onopen = function() { };
ws.onclose = function() {};
ws.onmessage = function(msg) { 
    var data = $.parseJSON(msg.data)

    switch (data.event) {
        case 'foo::bar::response':


If you want to create manipulate & destroy servers, you will enjoy hosting your websites on Linode.

Linode's awesome API allows you to control your servers, load-balancers, setup-scripts, DNS, and general account data all from marcel via class/linode.php.

To get started using the Linode API, you must first obtain your API key and add it to linode in /config/api.php. Then you must run a few pear installs:

sudo pear install Net_URL2-0.3.1
sudo pear install HTTP_Request2-0.5.2
sudo pear channel-discover pear.keremdurmus.com
sudo pear install krmdrms/Services_Linode

Now that the setup is complete, you may call linode api methods through class/linode.php like so:

# List of your servers
$linodes        = linode::_list();
$linode_options = ['LinodeID' => 11111];
$linode_configs = linode::config_list($linode_options);
$linode_disks   = linode::disk_list($linode_options);
$linode_ips     = linode::ip_list($linode_options);
$linode_jobs    = linode::job_list($linode_options);

# List of your domains 
$domains          = linode::domain_list();

# Resources for a specific domain (IP, port, domain name, record type, etc...) 
$domain_resources = linode::resource_list(['DomainID' => 111111]);

# List of your load balancers (NodeBalancer)
$balancers        = linode::balance_list();
$balancer_configs = linode::balance_config_list();
$balancer_nodes   = linode::balance_node_list();

# List of your configuration scripts (StackScript)
$scripts = linode::script_list();

# Account Stuff
$plans       = linode::plans();
$datacenters = linode::datacenters();
$distros     = linode::distros();
$kernels     = linode::kernels();
$api_key     = linode::api_key(['username' => '...', 'password' => '...']);

There are plenty more things you can do (just see class/linode.php) from creating/deleteing/booting/rebooting/shutting-down/resizing/cloning etc. See an example implementation of the methods in controller/linode.php.


Marcel loves Git and wants to do version control work for you. Marcel takes care of most git fetch, pull, push, add, rm, commit, checkout, branch, submodule, log and diff commands that you would normally have to do on the command line.

Note that you'll need to have run chmod 777 -R .git && chmod 777 .gitmodules to let the apache user run git commands without permission issues.

Check out controller/git.php to see everything you can do.

Profiling with XHProf

TODO: create the interface for running tests

wget https://github.com/facebook/xhprof/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
cd xhprof-master/extension/
sudo make install
# update xhprof.ini
# extension=xhprof.so
# xhprof.output_dir="/home/<you>/www/xhprof"</you>


wget http://xdebug.org/files/xdebug-2.2.3.tgz
tar -xvzf xdebug-2.2.3.tgz
cd xdebug-2.2.3
sudo cp modules/xdebug.so /usr/lib/php5/20100525+lfs/
# add to /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini:
# zend_extension = /usr/lib/php5/20100525/xdebug.so

Selenium & WebDriver

Use class/browser, Selenium and WebDriver to automate actual browser interactions (for testing or scraping).


wget -q -O - https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xvfb firefox google-chrome-stable
wget http://chromedriver.googlecode.com/files/chromedriver_linux64_23.0.1240.0.zip
unzip chromedriver_linux64_23.0.1240.0.zip
sudo cp chromedriver /usr/local/bin

Start Server

sudo php script/selenium.start.php

Example Usage

This file could be script/browser.test.php

<? require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/inc.php';

# Start a browser session
$b = new browser('firefox');

# See what your browser can do

# Set browser window size
$b->set_size(1024, 720);

# Navigate to website, capture all h1's
$site = 'http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap';
$h1s = $b->open($site)->wait_for('h1')->find('h1');

foreach ($h1s as $k => $h) {
    # the <h1> text
    echo "{$h->text()}\n";

    # Take a screenshot of each h1 with padding around each element
    $b->screenshot_part($h, IMAGE_DIR."/h1-{$k}.png", ['padding' => 5]);

    echo "http://". BASE_URL ."/img/h1-{$k}.png\n";

# Close up!
$b->close(); # or unset($b);

Stop Server

sudo php script/selenium.stop.php


BitTorrent is a brilliant protocol for distributed P2P file sharing. Using Transmission's Tranmission Daemon as a backend, over RPC, we can send tranmission-daemon a list of torrents to download to tmp/torrent/<category>.

Setting up transmission-daemon (default)

sudo apt-get install transmission-daemon

Once installed, you should make sure the daemon will be secure (especially if you want to use Transmission's native web GUI) by auditing /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json. Make sure to set things like rpc-whitelist-enabled (true), rpc-whitelist (to allow only localhost and maybe your trusted IP's), rpc-port (to something non-standard), and rpc-password (to something super complex) to name a few.

Setting your password is slightly complex. Make sure you follow these steps. If you get stuck setting it up, see Transmission Help.

Setting up rtorrent

sudo apt-get install libxmlrpc-c3-dev rtorrent php5-xmlrpc
# restart web server

Proxy Setup

TODO: Forwarding 9091 default port to Apache with mod_proxy: http://www.linuxplained.com/transmission-apache-proxy-setup/

More on tunneling transmission through SOCKv5 proxy. Also need to investigate TorSocks

Example Torrent Queue

Let's find some Torrent RSS Feeds here like the UNIX feed.

$transmission = [
    'host' => 'http://'. BASE_URL,  
    'port' => 9091,
    'path' => '/transmission/rpc',

$selected_feed = 'ubuntu';

$feeds = [
    'ubuntu' => [
        'rss'     => 'http://rss.thepiratebay.sx/303', # UNIX channel
        'search'  => ['12.04'], # version of ubuntu we want to capture
        'formats' => [], # could be ['iso']

$t = new torrent([
    'rpc_url'          => "{$transmission['host']}:{$transmission['port']}{$tranmission['path']}",
    'formats_allowed'  => $feeds[$selected_feed]['formats'],
    'total_per_search' => 1, # get a maximum of 1 ubuntu 12.04 iso
    'rss'              => $feeds[$selected_feed]['rss'],
    'username'         => '<transmission username>',
    'password'         => '<transmission password>', 


foreach ($t->get() as $tor)
    echo "{$tor->id}. {$tor->name}\n";

#pr($t->stats());   # show download stats
#pr($t->session()); # show session stats

# $t->stop(); # stop all downloads