dandi / dandidav

WebDAV view to DANDI Archive
MIT License
4 stars 2 forks source link
dandi-archive rust webdav

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. CI Status codecov.io Minimum Supported Rust Version MIT License

GitHub | Issues | Changelog

This is a Rust implementation of a readonly WebDAV interface to DANDI Archive.

Active instances are currently accessible at https://dandi.centerforopenneuroscience.org and https://webdav.dandiarchive.org.


Building & Running

  1. Install Rust and Cargo.

  2. Clone this repository and cd into it.

  3. Run cargo build to build the binary. The intermediate build artifacts will be cached in target/ in order to speed up subsequent builds.

    • Alternatively, run cargo build --release or cargo build -r to build with optimizations enabled.
  4. Run with cargo run (or cargo run --release if built with --release) to run the server. If any server CLI options (see below) are supplied, they must be separated from cargo run [--release] by a -- argument.

    • The WebDAV server will be accessible for as long as the program is left running. Shut it down by hitting Ctrl-C.
  5. If necessary, the actual binary can be found in target/debug/dandidav (or target/release/dandidav if built with --release). It should run on any system with the same OS and architecture as it was built on.


cargo run [-r] -- [<options>]

dandidav serves an HTTP & WebDAV interface at by default. It can be accessed by any WebDAV client or in a normal web browser. (If your client asks you about login details, you may log in without authentication/as a guest.)
