daneads / pycallgraph2

pycallgraph2 is a maintained fork of pycallgraph, a Python module that creates call graphs for Python programs.
GNU General Public License v2.0
219 stars 34 forks source link


Python Call Graph

Note: This is a fork of the original pycallgraph since it became unmaintained.

Welcome! pycallgraph2 is a Python module that creates call graph visualizations for Python applications.

Project Status

The project lives on GitHub, where you can report issues, contribute to the project by forking the project then creating a pull request, or just browse the source code.

The fork needs documentation. Feel free to contribute :)

License: GNU GPLv2


Quick Start

OS dependencies:

Installation is easy as:

pip install pycallgraph2

The following examples specify graphviz as the outputter, so it's required to be installed. They will generate a file called pycallgraph.png.

The command-line method of running pycallgraph is::

$ pycallgraph graphviz -- ./mypythonscript.py

A simple use of the API is::

from pycallgraph2 import PyCallGraph
from pycallgraph2.output import GraphvizOutput

with PyCallGraph(output=GraphvizOutput()):


Documentation for the fork is a work in progress.