daneads / pypatent

Search for and retrieve US Patent and Trademark Office Patent Data
GNU General Public License v3.0
71 stars 19 forks source link
patents python scraper scraping uspto


pypatent is a tiny Python package to easily search for and scrape US Patent and Trademark Office Patent Data.

PyPI page

New in version 1.2

This version implements Selenium support for scraping. Previous versions were using the requests library for all requests, however this has had problems with the USPTO site lately. I notice some users have been able to use requests without issue, while others get 4xx errors.

PyPatent Version 1.2 implements an optional new WebConnection object to give the user the option to use Selenium WebDrivers in place of the requests library. This WebConnection object is optional. If used, it should be passed as an argument when initializing Search or Patent objects.

Use it in the following cases:

See bottom of README for examples.


Python 3, BeautifulSoup, requests, pandas, re, selenium


pip install pypatent

If using Selenium for scraping (introduced in version 1.2), be sure to install a Selenium WebDriver. For Chrome, use chromedriver. For Firefox, use geckodriver. See the Selenium download page for more details and options.

Searching for patents

The Search object works similarly to the Advanced Search at the USPTO, with additional options.

Specifying patent criteria for your search

There are two methods to specify your search criteria, and you can use one or both.

Search Method 1: Using a custom string

You may search for a certain string in all fields of the patent:

pypatent.Search('microsoft') # Will return results matching 'microsoft' in any field

You may also specify complex search criteria as demonstrated on the USPTO site:

pypatent.Search('TTL/(tennis AND (racquet OR racket))')

Search Method 2: Specify USPTO search fields (see Field Codes below)

Alternatively, you can specify one or more Field Code arguments to search within the specified fields. Multiple Field Code arguments will create a search with AND logic. OR logic can be used within a single argument. For more complex logic, use a custom string.

pypatent.Search(pn='adobe', ttl='software') # Equivalent to search('PN/adobe AND TTL/software')
pypatent.Search(pn=('adobe or macromedia'), ttl='software') # Equivalent to search('PN/(adobe or macromedia) AND TTL/software')

Combining search methods 1 and 2

String criteria can be used in conjunction with Field Code arguments:

pypatent.Search('acrobat', pn='adobe', ttl='software') # Equivalent to search('acrobat AND PN/adobe AND TTL/software')

The Field Code arguments have the same meaning as on the USPTO site.

Additional search options

Limit the number of results

The results_limit argument lets you change how many patent results are retrieved. The default is 50, equivalent to one page of results.

pypatent.Search('microsoft', results_limit=10) # Fetch 10 results only

Specify whether to fetch details for each patent

By default, pypatent retrieves the details of every patent by visiting each patent's URL from the search results. This can take a long time since each page has to be scraped. If you just need the patent titles and URLs from the search results, set get_patent_details to False:

pypatent.Search('microsoft', get_patent_details=False) # Fetch patent numbers and titles only

Formatting your search results

pypatent has convenience methods to format the Search object into either a Pandas DataFrame or list of dicts.

Format as Pandas DataFrame:


Format as list of dicts:

pypatent.Search('microsoft', get_patent_details=False).as_list()

Sample result (without patent details):

     'title': 'Electronic device',
      'url': 'http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-adv.htm&r=1&p=1&f=G&l=50&d=PTXT&S1=microsoft&OS=microsoft&RS=microsoft'

 {'title': 'Portable electric device', ... }

The Patent class

The Search class uses the Patent class to retrieve and store patent details for a given patent URL. You can use it directly if you already know the patent URL (e.g. you ran a Search with get_patent_details=False)

# Create a Patent object
this_patent = pypatent.Patent(title='Base station device, first location management device, terminal device, communication control method, and communication system',

# Fetch the details

Patent Attributes Retrieved:

Note, not all fields from the patent page are scraped. I hope to add more, and pull requests are appreciated :)

Field Code Arguments for Search Function


New in version 1.2

This version implements Selenium support for scraping. Previous versions were using the requests library for all requests, however the USPTO site has been causing problems for it. I notice some users have been able to use requests without issue, while others get 4xx errors.

PyPatent Version 1.2 implements a new WebConnection object to give the user the option to use Selenium WebDrivers in place of the requests library. This WebConnection object is optional. If used, it should be passed as an argument when initializing Search or Patent objects. Use it in the following cases:

An example using the Firefox WebDriver:

import pypatent
from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Firefox()  # Requires geckodriver in your PATH

conn = pypatent.WebConnection(use_selenium=True, selenium_driver=driver)

res = pypatent.Search('microsoft', get_patent_details=True, web_connection=conn)


An example using the requests library with a custom user agent:

import pypatent

conn = pypatent.WebConnection(use_selenium=False, user_agent='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36')

res = pypatent.Search('microsoft', get_patent_details=True, web_connection=conn)


An example using the requests library with default user agent (WebConnection is not necessary here as we are using the defaults)

import pypatent

res = pypatent.Search('microsoft', get_patent_details=True)


New in version 1.1:

This version makes searching and storing patent data easier: