dangphuc2470 / Creation_Date_Changer

Recover creation date from filename and vice versa, add GPS location to image.
MIT License
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Creation Date Changer

This application allows you to change the creation and modified date of files based on their filename. It also allows you to change the filename based on the creation date, modified date, or date taken of an image. Additionally, you can add GPS data to images and display them on a map.



Change created and modified date of files based on their filename

Change filename based on creation date, modified date, or date taken of an image



Version 1.2: Release

Change log

[1.2] - 2024/08/01

[1.1] - 2024/07/17

[1.0] - 2024/02/29

How to Use

A. Normal method

  1. Download the zip file in the release section.
  2. Extract the zip file.
  3. Run the ExifDataModifier.exe file.

B. Run from source code

  1. Install .NET desktop development workload in Visual Studio if you haven't installed it.
  2. Clone the repository.
  3. Open the solution file in Visual Studio.
  4. Run the project.

I. Change created and modified date

Important Note

Screenshot Description

A. Standard Method

  1. Select Photos: Choose all photos sharing the same filename format.
  2. Drag and Drop: Import them into the program by dragging and dropping.
  3. Format Entry:
    • Input the filename format (or use the assign button above), substituting all non-date/time characters with "*".
    • Charaters after 'ss' can be ignored.
    • Keep the "Date time format" as per the given example.
  4. Preview:
    • Click "Apply" to see the date and time extracted from the filename.
    • Make sure there are no rows marked as "Error".
  5. Apply Changes: Click "Change" to confirm the adjustments.

B. Folder Scanning Feature

  1. Select Folder: Choose the folder containing your images or videos.
  2. Automatic Grouping: The application will group all images and videos, including those in subfolders, based on their filename. The combobox will display the first item in each group.

    • Note: If your file name have suffix at the end and it include both letters and numbers, the application will split it into different groups. You can use the "Ignore" section to ignore the suffix. eg:
    IMG_20240606_130614_A02BFA00.JPG    Ignore: 8
    IMG_20240606_130614_00000001.JPG    Ignore: 0 (no need to ignore numbers)
    Ignore: 0 (no need to ignore, there are no string between "_" have both letters and numbers)

    Screenshot Description

  3. Manual Selection: Manually select the desired group, then click "View" to display all items within it.
  4. Proceed to Step 3: Follow from step 3 in the Standard Method for further actions.

Example Usage





This is the right format:


II. Change filename

Important Note

Screenshot Description

  1. Select Photos: Choose all photos that you want to change the filename.
  2. Drag and Drop: Import them into the program by dragging and dropping.
  3. Choose Format:
    • Input the filename format, you can choose to not include date or sequence number by removing them in the format. Click template to use the default format.
      • <your date format>: The date will be extracted from the file's metadata.
      • [sequence number]: Start from 1 and increase by 1 for each file.


  1. Select Option: Choose the desired option:
    • Creation Date: Change the filename based on the creation date.
    • Modified Date: Change the filename based on the modified date.
    • Date Taken: Change the filename based on the date taken, a message box will appear if have any image does not have the date taken. You can choose Yes to ignore it or No to still change the filename. Supported image will have ("T") at the end to indicate, that will not be included in the final filename.
  2. Preview: Click "Preview" to see the new filename.
  3. Apply Changes: Click "Apply name" to confirm the adjustments.

III. Geotag and Display image on map


Screenshot Description

  1. Select Photos: Choose all photos that you want to add GPS data.
  2. Drag and Drop: Import them into the program by dragging and dropping.
  3. Add GPS Data:
    • Use your right mouse to move the map, mouse wheel to zoom in and out to determine the location. Or you can copy the latitude and longitude from any maps and paste it into the input box.
    • Click "Apply" to add GPS data to the image.
    • The first image of the list will be displayed on the map.
  4. Additionally:
    • Type the name of current place and click "Save" to save the location to the list. You can use the "Remove" button to remove it.
    • Click < or > to navigate between saved locations.
    • You can change map type by clicking on the small map icon, it will change between Google map, Google satellite, Bing map, and Bing satellite.
  5. Display Image on Map: Clear the list, click "Display images" then drag and drop geotagged images into the program to display them on the map. Screenshot Description


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.