A follow on from helloLanguages, dedicated to bare metal programming of embedded devices (Atmel AVR & ARM Cortex)
While I've been programming various AVRs for drone building (both Flight Controllers and Electronic Speed Controllers), and also back when tinkering with Arduino, I've come unstuck with various projects in a way that makes me realise I don't have a deep understanding of the underlying principles of embedded MCUs. I'm left with questions like :
Additionally, while big projects go slowly in Assembler, I always feel I learn more deeply what is actually going on, and so would like to tackle like for like projects in both C and assembler.
This deserves a special mention, as while I've learned a lot at first from working through Arduino projects, and also benefited from the compatabitliy as everyone makes drives and libraries for it. I find the IDE a pig, that slows down development of all but the most trivial project, and blocks me from actually understanding what is going on when we compile or flash a project.
This also deserves a special mention, as ultimately my target projects will inevitabilty take me in the direction of a 32-bit CPU with built in float support. But - and it's a big but - as I've tried to move over to the ARM-cortex, I realise I'm even more in the dark on all the issues raised above. Getting just the Blink program to load onto the Teensy3.1 ARM-CortexM4 seemed too hard, without using the Teensduino plugin for Arduino IDE. And so this has kickstarted my desire to get back to first principles and truely understand what's going on under the hood. Using nothing more than a text editor, and simple command line tools that I will install myself. I am then anticipating, that a deep knowledge of the 8-bit AVR MCUs will then speed my transition into the 32-bit ARM world.
Approaching from a further angle still. Another motive for this project is my desire to understand more about what is actually going on with an operating system and a schedular. And while helloLanguages is a fascinating exploration of different langauges, they are all sitting on top of an operating system which is abstracting away the hardware. What better way to learn about operating systems than to get of them completely, and then build back their services as and when needed - eg. multi tasking, scheduling etc
brew install avrdude avra
brew tap osx-cross/avr
brew install avr-libc // avr-gcc is a dependancy of avr-libc
brew tap PX4/homebrew-px4
brew install gcc-arm-none-eabi
For each task I will attempt a solution in (generally this order):
and <avr/eeprom.h>
and avr-libc
differ and depend.avrdude --with-usb
actually doing anything? Doesn't seem to be used in the brew formula, unless being passed to dependancies?avrdude -c usbasp -P usb
make --makefile MakefileX
to specify which Makefile to use from these solutionsOn the one hand most of the challenges of helloLanguages could be tackled on a RasberryPi running Rasbian. However, when compiling and running assembler, we would have to do it on the machine (rather than develop on an Intel Mac for instance). On the other hand, if we scrapped the Linux OS, we have a great piece of physical kit with loads of GPIO and connected peripherals (LEDs / GPU / USB / Camera) to experiment with directly from bare metal programming. eg see this tutorial to blink the RaspberryPI LEDs.
http://www.avrbeginners.net/ http://maxembedded.com/ http://www.societyofrobots.com/programming_timers.shtml http://www.avr-asm-tutorial.net/avr_en/beginner/index.html Explanation of register bit settings - http://www.societyofrobots.com/member_tutorials/book/export/html/228 Useful tutorials - http://maxembedded.com/2011/07/14/avr-timers-ctc-mode/ Pin mapping - http://arduino.cc/en/Hacking/PinMapping32u4 http://www.engineersgarage.com/embedded/avr-microcontroller-projects/How-to-Use-SPM-for-Flash-to-Flash-Programming