danielblagy / budget-app

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Budget-app is a personal finance app (cash organizer) with the following functionality:


Start Docker containers

make docker-up

Run database migrations

make migrate-up

Run REST server

make run


Access full documentation on REST API here.



docker, docker-compose

sql migrations

go-migrate cli tool



fast-access persistent storage


Redis is used as a fast-access persistent storage for handling invalid JWT tokens.

Make Commands

Start Docker containers

make docker-up

Stop and remove Docker containers

make docker-down

Create a database migration

make migrate-generate name=some_name_for_your_migration

Run database migrations up

make migrate-up

Run database migrations down

make migrate-down

Run REST server

make run

Run tests

make test

Run linter

make lint

Build project (builds to directory /build)

make build

Web Client App

A web client application is currently being developed that uses this REST API to serve UI.

Check out the repository here.

E2E Tests

E2E Tests are run on each pull request into master via Github Actions.

To run e2e tests locally:

  1. make setup-e2e-env to set up the testing environment (this simply shuts down and removes running containers if they exist, starts docker containers, runs postgresql migrations)
  2. make run to starts the REST server (for convenience, use a separate terminal window for this)
  3. make run-e2e-tests to run e2e tests

E2E testing is done using go test. Unit tests and e2e tests are separated and will not run simultaneously.