Basic Game Time starter kit.
One person from your project will sets up the repository. That one person should follow these steps:
Clone this starter kit repository and rename the repository to game-time
in one command
git clone game-time
Change into the game-time
Remove the default remote (origin)
git remote rm origin
Create a new repository on GitHub named game-time
Add your new repository remote to the game time starter kit - your remote URL and user name will be different in the command below
git remote add origin
Install the dependencies of the starter kit
npm install
Add, commit, and push up to your repository
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit using starter kit"
git push origin master
Now add your team member(s) as collaborators to the repository. They can now clone down your game-time
repository as normal.
Once each partner clones down the repo, they need to run npm install
to install the dependencies on their machine.
To see your code in action, you need to fire up a development server. Use the command:
npm start
Once the server is running, visit in your browser:
to run your application.http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/test.html
to run your test suite in the browser.To build the static files:
npm run build
To run all of your tests:
npm test
Webpack is somewhat opinionated about how files are organized. Here is a brief guide on how to organize development and test files.
Node and webpack work together to help us organize our files and keep responsibilities separated.
More on this coming soon...
Near the end of game time, you will have multiple objects for your game that are tested separately with individual test files. The /test/index.js
file serves as an "entry point" for mocha to load all of the tests you write.
More on this coming soon...