danielebogo / DBPrivacyHelper

Quick tool to explain the right place to enable your privacy settings
MIT License
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Quick category to explain the right place to enable your privacy settings


DBPrivacyHelper is a simple UIViewController category and it has a simple integration:

- (void) openHelper {
    [self showPrivacyHelperForType:DBPrivacyTypeLocation];
- (void) openHelperToCustomize {
    [self showPrivacyHelperForType:DBPrivacyTypeLocation controller:^(DBPrivateHelperController *vc) {
        //customize the view controller to present
    } didPresent:^{
        //customize the completion block of presentViewController:animated:completion:
    } didDismiss:^{
        //customize the completion block of dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion:
    } useDefaultSettingPane:YES];

If useDefaultSettingPane: is set to YES, DBPrivacyHelper opens the default setting pane in iOS 8. Set NO if you want to see the DBPrivateHelperController with all iOS.

Privacy settings types:

iOS Target




Created by:

Daniele Bogo