danielhavir / go-ecies

Golang implementation of the ECIES encryption scheme using AES, Poly1305 and P-256/P-521 elliptic curves
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Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme


This is an ECIES Go implementation, a hybrid asymmetric–symmetric key encryption algorithm based on the Diffie–Hellman key exchange, specifically uses one of the following combinations:

  1. Mode P256
    • P-256 curve (FIPS 186-3, section D.2.3)
    • AES-128 for symmetric encryption with the CTR (Counter) mode
    • Poly1305 for message aunthentication (MAC with 32-bit key with length of 16bytes, i.e. 128 bits)
    • SHA-256 for hashing and key-derivation function
  2. Mode P521
    • P-521 curve (FIPS 186-3, section D.2.5)
    • AES-256 for symmetric encryption with the CTR (Counter) mode
    • Poly1305 for message aunthentication (MAC with 32-bit key with length of 16bytes, i.e. 128 bits)
    • SHA-512 for hashing and key-derivation function


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