danielkucera / esp-arduino-ebus

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Using this eBus with PS5511SZ #25

Open El-Omari opened 1 year ago

El-Omari commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone,

i would like to control my Solar storage charge controller PS 5511 SZ. It has an interface eBus. My questions are: 1 could I use this eBus? 2 Do you have experience with this control?


El-Omari commented 1 year ago

Hi Daniel,

I got the EBUS to WiFi adapter module an connect it to PS5511 SZ, I installed the recommended ebusd of John.

the module is connected to the router and got an IP. with telnet i could have a connection to the item. My Questions ares,

  1. John use the port 9999 and you recommend the following ports 3333,3334,3335 and 5555.
  2. Which comand shall I use under /etc/default/ebusd? is this correct EBUSD_OPTS="--scanconfig -d enh: --latency=200000"

thanks for your answer

i tried to install your

danielkucera commented 1 year ago
  1. yes, john uses a different adapter
  2. yes, correct
El-Omari commented 1 year ago


El-Omari commented 1 year ago

I'm looking for the correct csv-file for my PS5511 SZ. Could you give some information, where to find theme?

danielkucera commented 1 year ago

I have no idea, sorry.