danielkucera / esp-arduino-ebus

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Warning: Do not power your adapter from a power supply on eBus terminals - you will burn the transmit circuit (receive may still work)!


Hardware revisions

This section lists adapter hardware revisions together with specifics for each one. Each revision lists only change from the previous one.












The adapter seems dead, no LED shines or blinks.

The ebus wires are reversed, try switching the wires. Don't worry, it has a protection against reversing.

The ebus logs shows [bus error] device status: unexpected enhanced byte 2

Please read quickstart section to find correct device configuration options

I often see messages like: ERR: arbitration lost, signal lost, signal acquired

It's possible that the adapter has a poor WiFi reception so it has to resend messages and the latency increases. Try to improve the signal by moving the adapter closer to the WiFi AP. You can also try to increase the ebusd latency parameter to e.g. --latency=200000.

The adapter is loosing connectivity, breaking other ebus components communication, D7 is blinking, WiFi is disappearing after connecting, devices on the bus show error status or other intermittent failures.

It's possible that ebus doesn't have enough power to supply the adapter together with all other connected devices. From version v3.0 there are options for supplying external power, see the hardware revisions section for details.

Nothing helps. I need support.

Run ebusd with --lograwdata=data --latency=2000 --log=all:debug options. Then save the log, open an issue here, describe the problem and attach the log. I'll try to help you.

Config reset


There are following options:

web interface



16:33:30 [INFO]: Waiting for result... 16:33:31 [INFO]: Result: OK

### upgrading over USB (HW v5.0+)
 - this version has built-in USB serial interface
 - download `firmware-fullflash-*` firmware from https://github.com/danielkucera/esp8266-arduino-ebus/releases
 - connect `PROG` and `GND`
 - connect adapter to a PC using USB-A - USB-C cable
 - you should see a new serial port
 - flash the firmware to address 0x0 using either one of tools:
   - Web based: https://adafruit.github.io/Adafruit_WebSerial_ESPTool/
   - Windows: using Flash Download Tools from https://www.espressif.com/en/support/download/other-tools
   - Linux esptool.py: `esptool.py write_flash 0x0 firmware-fullflash-*`

### upgrading over USB-TTL adaptor (before HW v5.0)
You will need an USB-TTL adaptor (dongle) which suports 3V3 voltage levels and has 3V3 voltage output pin
- download firmware bin file from https://github.com/danielkucera/esp8266-arduino-ebus/releases
- download NodeMCU PyFlasher from https://github.com/marcelstoer/nodemcu-pyflasher/releases
- using a wire connect pins `PROG` and `TP3`
- connect your adaptor in a following way (dongle - module):
  - 3V3 <-> 3V3
  - TX  <-> ESP-RX
  - RX  <-> ESP-TX
  - GND <-> GND
- now connect the dongle to your PC - you should see two red LEDs on, blue should flash briefly and stay off (v4.0+)
- open NodeMCU PyFlasher and select your firmware file and serial port
- click Flash NodeMCU and watch the progress in Console
- if that doesn't work, connect also TP1 to 3V3 and try again (see Issue #27)