danielkucera / esp-arduino-ebus

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Firmware v6.1 HW v2.1 #55

Closed HiQual closed 9 months ago

HiQual commented 9 months ago

Hello Daniel. I just applied the v6.1 update firmware file v3.x using espota.py On successful completion of flash it did not auto reconnect to my wi-fi. It was in reset mode so I could directly access the esp-ebud SSID I input my home wi-fi credentials - it restarted and connected OK as esp-ebus.local I could ping it but it disconnected itself after about 3 minutes. It had reverted to reset/configuration mode. I have repeated this a few times, but the connection only lasts a few minutes. Any suggestions please?

danielkucera commented 9 months ago

Hi, after those few minutes, what does it do exactly? It disconnects and the config resets? What does the config page say?

HiQual commented 9 months ago

Good morning Daniel. In the first few minutes after flashing and entering my wi-fi details, the adapter stays connected as client to my router and it responds to ping requests. After a few minutes it stops responding to ping requests on both esp-eBus.local and the IP address. Looking at available networks I see that the adapter has reverted to AP Wi-Fi mode broadcasting esp-eBus. Screenshot_2023-09-21-15-59-31-382_com google android captiveportallogin

danielkucera commented 9 months ago

You are right, I confirm this is a bug introduced in v6.1, earlier versions should be fine. I will work on this soon.

HiQual commented 9 months ago

No problem. I reverted to v6.0.

HiQual commented 9 months ago

Fixed in 6.2, 6.3 Many thanks.