danielkucera / esp-arduino-ebus

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Updating to latest software v7.0 doesn't work in web #66

Closed HuffYk closed 4 months ago

HuffYk commented 4 months ago


just came few days ago my fresh ebus2wifi v6.1. Some question to it:

Using update button and selecting v7.0 - firmware-fullflash-HW_v5.x-e22015.bin it starts update, says that update was successful however after restart, or reconnecting I'm still on v6.3 based on status info from port 5555

I will try other remote ways to update it, but any idea what could be wrong with web update?


danielkucera commented 4 months ago

Hi @HuffYk , you need to select firmware firmware-HW_v5.x-e22015.bin - without fullflash

HuffYk commented 4 months ago

Hi @HuffYk , you need to select firmware firmware-HW_v5.x-e22015.bin - without fullflash

My bad, I thought when seeing this firmware in section "USB - HW v5.0+", that its for v5.0+ in general 🙂 . Now it worked and I see there was different web code flashed before 🙂