daniellockard / nodecg-tiltify

NodeCG Tiltify Replicant for other bundles to access
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nodecg-tiltify is a NodeCG bundle. It works with NodeCG versions which satisfy this semver range: ^1.1.1

You will need to have an appropriate version of NodeCG installed to use it.

v5 API Changes

Re-complete setup, fields in the configuration have changed!

challenges -> targets replicant renamed to match tiltify.

Data is polled less frequently due to rate limits and webhook option.

If used in tandem with nodecg-tiltify-donation-reader that must ALSO be updated to v5 build


  1. Add nodecg-tiltify to your nodecg.dependencies in your bundle's package.json
  2. Create an application for your Tiltify account.
  3. Take the client id and secret from your application and add to configuration
  4. Lastly, provide the campaign id in the configuration. It can be found in the tiltify dashboard under Setup -> Information -> Public ID. Do not use Legacy ID
    "tiltify_client_id": "KEY_HERE",
    "tiltify_client_secret": "KEY_HERE",
    "tiltify_webhook_id": "ID_HERE",
    "tiltify_webhook_secret": "KEY_HERE",
    "tiltify_campaign_id": "CAMPAIGN_HERE"

Setup Webhooks (Recommended)

Webhooks make donations and donation total updates come in realtime, it's recommended!

  1. Create a webhook within your newly created application, the endpoint URL will be the basepath of your nodecg + /nodecg-tiltify/webhook

    It must be on the world wide web, for example: `https://nodecg.example.com/nodecg-tiltify/webhook`
  2. Take webhook secret and add to configuration tiltify_webhook_secret, in the same file as in setup

  3. Take webhook ID and add it to configuration tiltify_webhook_id. The ID is the second UUID in the url for the page on tiltify.


This bundle sets up NodeCG.Replicant objects in the nodecg-tiltify namespace.

Available Replicants from the Tiltify API:

The replicants convert results from the Tiltify API into objects, and more information on the exact format of the data from these replicants can be found in the Tiltify API docs.

*donations objects contain the additional properties read and shown which can be used to indicate if something was read in the dashboard or shown in a graphic. donations updates when the webhook posts an incoming donation, if webhooks are diabled donations also only collects donations from the most recent 'page' of the Tiltify API.

**alldonations contains all donations that have been made.

This bundle also has 3 messages that it listens for that can be sent using nodecg.sendMessageToBundle

Note: this should be done in the form of nodecg.sendMessageToBundle('clear-donation', 'nodecg-tiltify') or nodecg.sendMessageToBundle('mark-donation-as-read', 'nodecg-tiltify', donationObject. The donation object sent to shown or read needs to at least have the donation ID so that the back end can find and mark.