danielo515 / tiddlypouch

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Tiddlypouch plugin for tiddlywiki

This is the repository of the tiddlypouch plugin for tiddlywiki. This plugin adds a layer between pouchdb and tiddlywiki to store tiddlers as documents on a pouchdb database. This plugin is a key and core part of the NoteSelf project.


This repository uses gulp to bundle the code and make it ready for tiddlywiki usage. Due to the special requirements of tiddlywiki the development process is a little bit special. Normal code lives under the src folder, but we compile it to dist and tell tiddlywiki to look for it there using TIDDLYWIKI_PLUGIN_PATH. When live-reload is active every change on src file will trigger a rebundle to dist folder. We also use tw-pouchdb npm package as a direct dependency.

To start the dev process just run yarn start or npm start. This will start the development wiki (take a look at "A tale of two wikis" section for more details). However, this does not start the code bundling watch. So the recommended way of working is, to run two consoles, one with yarn start (or yarn TW which does the same but without bundling first), and a different one running yarn watch.

About babel

The build system, as mentioned, is a bit legacy. I have updated it to babel 7 recently, so it is not that bad. However, there is one thing to remember, so you don't spend again a couple of hours figuring it out. All babel related configurations are not passed to the gulp-babel plugin, they are defined on .babelrc file.

Structure of the code

All the code is under the src/plugins/danielo515/tiddlypouch folder. This is how the build system was created a long time ago and works, so it will not be changed soon.

Life-cycle code

Life-cycle related code is under ../startup. Here you will find configuration startup, sync methods declarations and initializations, splash screen removal, event listeners such as delete database and so on. This is required because this is quite a low level plugin and needs to hook up into several tiddlywiki internals.

A tale of two wikis

The most comfortable of writing tiddlers is inside tiddlywiki itself but because we are developing a sync adaptor, if we include the plugin our changes are not saved to the file-system system. To solve this we use two wikis:

Documentation wiki

The folder documentationwiki is used for write documentation tiddlers.

Development wiki

The folder wiki contains the configuration for the wiki where we test the plugin functionality.