danielpovlsen / android-native-gles

Android OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering sans Java
19 stars 7 forks source link


aka Angles


Tested On


OS X Mavericks

OS X Mavericks no longer provides Apache Ant and you must download and install it manually from here.


First, from the command line in the project root, create the build files using android update project. We are setting the build SDK version to 10 and giving our project the name Angles.

android update project --path . --target android-10 --name Angles

To find out which SDK target versions are installed use

android list targets

Next, compile the native code

ndk-build V=1 -B (verbose, rebuild)

Build the package

ant debug

Or build and install in one go

ant debug install


ant uninstall


Start the Angles app on the device and hopefully there will be a triangle on the screen.

Getting Log Output

Getting a list of the connected devices

adb devices

Printing all the log output from the connected device

adb shell logcat

If there are multiple connected devices, you may select one using -s as shown below

adb -s <deviceid> shell logcat

To filter out log messages not belonging to the app at hand use -s \<tag> like this

adb -s <deviceid> shell logcat -s Angles