danielweiv / launchy-chinese

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\lyxformat 276 \begin_document \begin_header \textclass article \language english \inputencoding auto \font_roman default \font_sans default \font_typewriter default \font_default_family sfdefault \font_sc false \font_osf false \font_sf_scale 100 \font_tt_scale 100 \graphics default \paperfontsize 11 \spacing single \papersize default \use_geometry true \use_amsmath 1 \use_esint 1 \cite_engine basic \use_bibtopic false \paperorientation portrait \topmargin 4cm \bottommargin 3cm \secnumdepth 3 \tocdepth 3 \paragraph_separation indent \defskip medskip \quotes_language english \papercolumns 1 \papersides 1 \paperpagestyle default \tracking_changes false \output_changes false \author "" \author "" \end_header


\begin_layout Title Launchy 2.0 Documentation \end_layout

\begin_layout Author Josh Karlin \end_layout

\begin_layout Subsection* Please Read This First! \end_layout

\begin_layout Standard When Launchy runs it disappears to the background. You have to press ‘alt+space’ in order to see Launchy. If Launchy is new for you please read the rest of this short manual. \end_layout

\begin_layout Section Welcome \end_layout

\begin_layout Standard Launchy was initially created for personal use but thanks to the encouragement of my friends I decided to distribute it. Launchy is completely free and open software so you should never pay for it and you should feel free to pass it on to your friends. The official homepage for Launchy is http://www.launchy.net/. If you need help using Launchy or would like to leave any comments/suggestions please feel free to post on the forums at http://www.sf.net/projects/launchy/.


\begin_layout Standard -- Josh Karlin \end_layout

\begin_layout Section Basic Usage \end_layout

\begin_layout Standard Launchy's primary function is to bring hard to reach objects on your computer quickly within your grasp. It does so by scanning your computer for interesting files (e.g. programs on your computer and bookmarks) and then makes them searchable with queries. For instance, if you would like to run \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset

notepad \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset

, you might invoke Launchy and type \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset

note \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset

and then hit enter to launch it. To invoke Launchy, press and hold down the alt key and then press the space key. \end_layout

\begin_layout Standard By default, Launchy is able to perform a number of useful tasks: \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize

\emph on Web searches \emph default

google \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset

, then hitting tab, and then entering your search \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize

\emph on Bookmarks \emph default

\begin_layout Itemize

\emph on Calculator \emph default

4 + 3 \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset


\begin_layout Itemize

\emph on File Browsing \emph default

c: \backslash windo \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset

hitting tab, and then typing \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset

system \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset

and hitting tab. This will autocomplete to c: \backslash windows \backslash system \backslash


\begin_layout Itemize

\emph on Control Panel \emph default

sound \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset


\begin_layout Subsection Exiting Launchy \end_layout

\begin_layout Standard Simply right click on Launchy and press the \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset

exit \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset

button. \end_layout

\begin_layout Section Advanced Usage \end_layout

\begin_layout Standard All of Launchy's options can be reached by right clicking the mouse on Launchy and pressing the \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset

Options \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset

button. Many of Launchy's options are self-explanatory (changing skins and the hotkey) while some others are not. In this section I discuss the advanced options. \end_layout

\begin_layout Subsection Scanning additional directories \end_layout

\begin_layout Standard The directories and file types that Launchy scans are configurable. The following discussion refers to the \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset

Catalog \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset

tab of the options menu.


\begin_layout Standard Let's begin by adding your music files. Press the big \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset

+ \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset

button and direct Launchy to your music folder. After pressing okay, enter \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset

*.mp3 \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset

into the file types entry box and press the smaller \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset

+ \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset

button directly below. You might also want to add \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset

*.aac \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset

, \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset

*.wma \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset

, and \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset

*.ogg \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset

as well. Now, Launchy will scan all of your music. You can tell Launch to rebuild its index right now by pressing the \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset

Rescan Catalog \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset

button. \end_layout

\begin_layout Subsection Using Launchy on a USB stick \end_layout

\begin_layout Standard Please follow this procedure to run Launchy from a USB stick. It will configure Launchy to store its configuration files in the application directory. \end_layout

\begin_layout Enumerate Install Launchy normally \end_layout

\begin_layout Enumerate Exit Launchy \end_layout

\begin_layout Enumerate Copy the Launchy directory to your usb stick \end_layout

\begin_layout Enumerate Run Launchy from the usb stick \end_layout

\begin_layout Enumerate Select \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset

portable mode \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset

in the general options tab \end_layout

\begin_layout Enumerate Exit Launchy \end_layout

\begin_layout Section Contributors \end_layout

\begin_layout Standard Launchy would not be where it is today without community support. I would like to add special thanks to the following people: \end_layout

\begin_layout Subsection* Graphic Designers \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Tyler Sticka - For Launchy's beautiful new icon and skin \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Sean (=gakuseisean) - For the use of his icons in the plugins \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Peter Wooley - For the web page's current design \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Juan Ignacio Serra - The first artist to offer assistance. He created some of Launchy's first skins, including work on the Mercury skin. \end_layout

\begin_layout Subsection* Testers \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Amadawn - The first to contribute significant testing work. I'm sorry that you ever had to see such unusable versions of Launchy! \end_layout

\begin_layout Section Change log \end_layout

\begin_layout Subsection* 1.98 (2.0 Alpha) \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Launchy has been completely rewritten, it is now all in QT (was in MFC) \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Options glued together into one cohesive dialog \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Skin selection now shows previews of skins \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize No longer have to restart Launchy to use a new plugin or skin \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Plugin options are integrated into the options dialog \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Launchy can automatically hide when it loses focus \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Launchy can now shallow scan a directory (customizable depth) \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Much better plugin customization \end_layout

\begin_layout Standard Bug fixes \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Unfortunately there are too many to list! \end_layout

\begin_layout Subsection* 1.2.5 \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize New control panel plugin (indexes control panel apps) \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Runny plugin (customizable commands) \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Notification of new Launchy Releases (can be turned off) \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Command line argument support (hit tab and type the arguments) \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Can use ‘.*’ as a filetype for directories \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Plugins can be enabled/disabled (right click on launchy, go to plugins)


\begin_layout Itemize Plugins can now have configurable options \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Always on top is now configurable \end_layout

\begin_layout Standard Bug Fixes: \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Removed startup crash bug \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Fixed Weby bug (it was hard to select Google) \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Fixed mouse disappearance in dropdown menu \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Launchy no longer jumps when you change skins \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Launchy no longer flashes on startup \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Calcy took priority over files with numbers, fixed \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Launchy can now be placed in the corner of the screen \end_layout

\begin_layout Subsection* 1.0.0 \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Launchy now supports plugins! Check out the “Plugins” folder inside your Launchy directory, you can add and remove plugins from there when Launchy is not running. Following are the plugins that come with Launchy by default, I expect many others to be developed by myself and the community.


\begin_layout Itemize Explory Plugin: A file explorer for Launchy! Now you can use launchy to navigate your filesystem. Try typing “c:” then hitting tab, keep on typing and hitting tab! \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Weby Plugin: Supports launching of url’s and adds quick launches for “Google” “MSN” “Amazon” and many others, try typing “google” then hit tab then type in a search query \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Foxy Plugin: With foxy your Firefox bookmarks will be added to the Launchy index. Even better, your firefox keywords are added to Launchy and behave like quick launches do for Weby. Not sure what firefox keywords are? Go here: http://www.mozilla.org/products/fire fox/smart-keywords.html (Note some firefox quick searches are currently incompati ble and will not be indexed) \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Calcy Plugin: Never have a calculator handy? With Calcy, Launchy knows when you’re trying to do math and will display the result in the suggestions box. For instance, try typing in “(4 + 3) 12” and 84 will result in the suggestion s box. Support for + - / ()’s currently exists.


\begin_layout Itemize Now Ctrl+Backspace deletes a word at a time and Alt+Backspace clears the text \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Too many bug fixes to count or remember, good riddance! \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Special thanks to Sean Poon http://gakuseisean.deviantart.com for the use of his wonderful icons for the plugins \end_layout

\begin_layout Subsection* 1.0.0 Beta \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Launchy displays the full path and icon to files in the dropdown suggestions box.


\begin_layout Itemize Filetypes can now be specifically set for each directory to index \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Always on top mode added \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize USB Mode added \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Configurable index scan interval \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Configuration files moved to docs and settings \backslash username \backslash Applications \backslash Launchy \backslash which is friendlier to users with limited access accounts.


\begin_layout Standard Bug Fixes: \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize The Launchy startup on auto-login crash should be gone \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize No longer presumes icon index is located in C: \backslash


\begin_layout Itemize Hotkey window now initializes with current hotkey \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Configuration files now less likely to be corrupted due to restart during saving \end_layout

\begin_layout Subsection* 0.9.6 \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Launchy can now index directory names as well as files! \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize A utilities folder with useful shortcuts is now included, it adds standard control panel programs, system shutdown / logoff/ reboot, and special folders such as My Documents, and My Music.


\begin_layout Itemize Unicode now fully supported. All character sets should work.


\begin_layout Itemize The old style of matching by association is completely removed, it’s now entirely based upon frequency of use \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Now has a “please donate” dialog that appears only once, sorry but I’ve got to make a living! \end_layout

\begin_layout Standard Bug Fixes: \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Fixed up/down keys causing a dropdown when there are no matches \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Saves settings to ini directly after changes are made in case of system crash \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Spaces are now ignored in user input, making it possible to search for “Johnny_c ash.mp3” with “john cash” \end_layout

\begin_layout Subsection* 0.9.3 \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Once again, Launchy is prettier. The combobox has vanished.


\begin_layout Itemize New skins! Please see the Author.txt file in each skin’s directory to give credit where credit is due.


\begin_layout Standard Bug Fixes: \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Sometimes windows shutdown prevented the database from being saved. Now it saves more frequently just in case.


\begin_layout Itemize Arbitrarily long file extensions are now allowed, so you can filter on .mpeg for instance and not just .mpg \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize A couple of minor graphical glitches have been fixed \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Development Environment: \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize The Boost library is no longer needed to compile Launchy, I’ve copied the necessary Boost header files for smart pointers into the project. \end_layout

\begin_layout Subsection* 0.9.2 \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Frequency sorting took priority over exact matches, fixed. \end_layout

\begin_layout Subsection* 0.9.1 \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Search results sorted by frequency of use now.


\begin_layout Itemize Configuration files moved to the Users subdirectory of your installation. This means that your configuration file will start fresh.. sorry! It also means that Launchy can be run from a memory stick.


\begin_layout Itemize You can now remove the start menu from the directories you scan if you so desire.


\begin_layout Itemize Bug fixes, hooray! \end_layout

\begin_layout Subsection* 0.9 \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Alpha channel support! Launchy is sexier now.


\begin_layout Itemize New skinning options.


\begin_layout Itemize Lots of skins! \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Minor bug fixes.


\begin_layout Itemize Ability to rescan index on demand.


\begin_layout Itemize This is a feature complete version of Launchy 1.0 From now until then I will only post bug fixes. \end_layout

\begin_layout Subsection* 0.81 \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize New installer, after this release upgrades should be much better.


\begin_layout Itemize Added icon support. Now icons are shown as well as the file name. The visual cue of the icon makes for faster launching. (It’s also prettier) \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize The combobox is now a bit more sane. It won’t steal your focus away when it drops down.


\begin_layout Itemize Launchy will rescan directories on startup as opposed to waiting a couple of minutes. \end_layout

\begin_layout Subsection* 0.8 \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Launchy now scans user specified directories and stores the results in a compressed file to make startup faster.


\begin_layout Itemize You can now change the hotkey that activates Launchy \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize You can now create/select skins for Launchy \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Launchy searches much faster than before, enabling indexing of thousands of files \end_layout

\begin_layout Subsection* 0.7 \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Launchy has memory! It will associate your input with applications. \end_layout

\begin_layout Subsection* 0.61 \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize Launchy no longer opens all programs maximized. \end_layout

\begin_layout Subsection* 0.6 \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize This is the first C++ release. As I became frustrated with C#’s large .NET framework requirements and users lack of desire to install it, I decided to switch back to the faster language. This release is functionally and visually equivalent to the 0.5 C# release. The C# CVS version had some new features that I will soon add to the C++ branch. \end_layout

\begin_layout Subsection* 0.5 \end_layout

\begin_layout Itemize This was the first public release. \end_layout

\end_body \end_document