danilop / ServerlessByDesign

A visual approach to serverless development. Think. Build. Repeat.
MIT License
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aws aws-lambda aws-sam cloud cloudformation developer-tools development event-driven serverless serverless-development serverless-framework visual

Serverless By Design

Serverless by Design screenshot

Serverless By Design is a visual approach to serverless development:

Serverless By Design runs in the browser and doesn't need an internet connection when installed locally.

A live version is available at: http://sbd.danilop.net

Think. Build. Repeat.


Copyright (c) 2017 Danilo Poccia, http://danilop.net

This code is licensed under the The MIT License (MIT). Please see the LICENSE file that accompanies this project for the terms of use.


You need node and npm. Just run:

npm run build

to build it for production, then open dist/index.html with your favourite browser.

For a development build, that you can debug with a browser, use:

npm run dev


Here are a few examples to help you start:


This code depends on: